
Friday, 6 March 2015

Comunication Businnes


Business communication is the exchange of ideas, opinions, information, instruction which has a specific purpose that is served in a personal or impersonal through symbols - symbols or signals. In business communication are six main elements, namely:

1. Have goals, communication means businesses must have a previously defined objectives in line with the objectives of the organization
2.Pertukaran, in this case involves at least two people or lbih the communicator and the communicant.
3.Gagasan, opinions, information, instruction is the content of the message that looks vary depending on the purpose, situation, and condition.
4. Using personal or impersonal channels that may be face to face, using a specific media or media that reach millions of people simultaneously.
5.Meggunakan symbols or signals that a tool or method that can be understood or understood by the receiver to convey the message.
6.Pencapaian organizational goals: one of the distinguishing characteristics of the organization or the formal institutions of the information is the goal previously set by management

To be able to develop the ability to communicate effectively, both personally and professionally at least we have to master the four types of basic skills in communication, namely:
a. writing,
b. reading,
c. to speak; and
d. to hear.
Whether we realize it or not, every day we do, at least, one of the four things mentioned above with our environment. As well as respiratory, communication is often regarded as an automatic incident happened just like that, so often we do not have the awareness to do so effectively.
Communication activity is a routine activity and automatically performed, so that we never learn in particular, such as how to write or read quickly and effectively or to speak effectively and be a good listener.

According to Stephen Covey, communication is an important skill in human life. The most important element in communication is not just what we write or what we say, but our character and how we convey the message to the recipient of the message. Recipients of the message is not just heard the sentence was delivered but also read and assess our attitude. So the main requirement in effective communication is a sturdy character built from the foundation of ethics and strong personal integrity.
No matter how talented a person, no matter how the primacy of a team or how powerful legal case, success will not be obtained without the mastery of effective communication skills. Effective communication skills will play a major role in supporting the achievement of the objectives of the entire activity. To be able to perform effective communication, the ability to send messages or information that is good, the ability to be a good listener, and skills using a variety of media or audio-visual tools is a very important part.
Communication is often disrupted or even can become clogged at all. The obstacles that usually occurs in the communication process, can be divided into three types as follows:

- Technical Barriers
Barriers of this kind arise because of the environment that provides preventive effect on the smooth sending and receiving messages. In terms of technology, lack of facilities and communications equipment, will be reduced by the new findings in the field of communication technology and information systems, so that the communication channels in the communication medium reliable and more efficient.

- Barriers Semantics
Semantic disorders become a bottleneck in the process of conveying meaning or idea effectively. The definition of semantics is the study of the understanding, which is expressed through language. A less obvious message, will still be unclear how good the transmission.
To avoid this kind of mis-communication, a communicator must choose the right words, and according to the characteristics of komunikannya, as well as view and consider the possibility of different interpretations of the words he used.

- Barriers Humane
Constraints of this type arise from personal issues faced by people who are involved in communication, both communicators and communicant.

According to Cruden and Sherman, these barriers include:
· Barriers derived from human individual differences, such as differences in perception, age, emotional state, status, listening skills, information retrieval, information filtering.
· Barriers caused by psychological climate in the organization or social and cultural environment, such as the atmosphere and working environment as well as the values ​​espoused.

Judging from the business aspect, the organization is a management tool (viewed from the aspect of its activities). Correlation between Organizational Communication Studies with lies in its review that focuses on human beings involved in achieving organizational goals.
Within the scope of the organization, the main goal of communication is to improve the organization, which is interpreted as the efforts made to achieve management goals. Organizational communication happen at any time. And can be defined as the performance and interpretation of messages between communication units that are part of an organization. An organization composed of units of communication in relation hierarchies with each other and function in an environment.
Business communication is the process of exchanging messages or information to achieve effectiveness and efficiency of the work product in the structure (level / level) and conducive organizational system. In the normal course of business communication, the message should not only be informative, ie so that others understand and know, but also to be persuasive, so that the other party is willing to accept an ideology or belief or to perform any act or activity.
In the communication process all messages or information sent will be received with a wide range of differences by the receiver of the message / information, either because of differences in background, perception, culture and other matters. To that end, a message or information submitted should meet seven conditions or also known as 7 C, namely:

1. Completeness (Complete)
A message or information can be said to be complete, when it contains all the materials necessary for the message recipients can respond to the expectations of the sender of the message

2. Conciseness (Short)
A message is said to be able to express his ideas Concise when the smallest possible number of words (short, dense but clear) without diminishing, but still highlight ideas.

3. Consideration (Consideration)
Delivery of messages, should apply empathy with consideration and priority to the message recipient.

4. concreteness (concrete)
Delivery of the message should be delivered in a language that gambalang, definite and clear
5. Clarity (Clarity)
The message should be delivered in a language that is easily understood and easily interpreted and have a clear meaning.
6. Courtesy (Courtesy)
Message delivered in a style and tone polite, will foster good relations in business communication.

7. correctness (accuracy)
Messages should be made with care, and use of grammar, punctuation and spelling correctly (formal or informal).

II. The Importance of Business Communication Capabilities
Challenge a manager in the future will be increasingly difficult relative, which requires the ability to communicate ideas ideas and goals in the environmental organization and how to deliver its products or services to customers. On the other hand, process management, is a communication activity. There are 6 obstacles that may arise when managers communicate the business organization, namely:
a. Poor communication structure
The structure of communication are essential factors, which determine the merits of business communication. Not important whether audiencenya only one person or thousands of people, and even in the midst of the noise of the business and marketing environment, the message must be heard and understood. Good communication structure, follows the pattern:
- Opening
- Contents
- Cover
next: Detailed à à General Public or Global Global à à Detail
b. Submission weak
Not be an issue, whether the message is important or impressive. But if delivered without "a strong touch", the result will not be able to convince others as expected. In addition, although it has been done "touch" that is right it is often also still need time to get a response. Thus, a strong message, may not like the jokes are not funny. The message must be 'touched' by a strong and crushing, not just stroking or remind.
c. The use of media is wrong
Need to consider who, from among which the social status and other unique characteristics of the target that we want to go, so we can choose the right media. If the message is delivered is very complex, give us space so that the audience can digest the message more freely, as their speed, as in the bedroom, bathroom, television, radio, magazines, newspapers and so forth.

d. Mixed messages
Mixed messages, it will only lead to confusion or even ridicule from the audience. Such as, the prohibition to give gifts to clients, but at the same time providing an exception for new clients or customers VIP great potential in the company's business. Meanwhile, the criteria of potential clients or customers VIP is not clearly defined.
e. One Audience
The topic chosen should be relevant and in accordance with the expectations of the audience. For example, for example in the event of a meeting between representatives of the Government and employers, but in the course of a presentation on the analysis of the political situation and the government, while the businessman, actually expect an explanation of how the actions or concrete steps taken by the government to create a conducive business climate.
f. Disturbing environment
Environment that interfere with clear an obstacle in communication, so that the message can not be accepted / heard optimally. As the presenter's voice is not sufficiently heard by the audience, loud noise from outside the room, (like the wail of ambulance sirens or the sound of heavy traffic), mobile sound of bag audience, Interruptions, talk sessions tense, etc. Therefore, the need for proper site selection and efforts in order to focus the audience with the message delivered.

Business communication constraints may vary, but with prudence and austerity, some obstacles will be overcome. Presentations were delivered would be more meaningful to the constraint that is minimized, so that the message can provide the expected effect.
Along with the development of technology and information systems, communication evolved into a separate business. The development of information systems and technology accelerates the process of globalization, so the communication process occurs at any time without stopping and taking place at the same time in all parts of the world. Information easily and quickly spread, almost without any hindrance.
Rapid technological development, enabling people to communicate through a variety of media. Challenges ahead, is not just selling products and services companies, but how to convey the message that the products or services offered can provide benefits to many people from a wide variety of cultures, backgrounds, and so on. The process of delivering a message or information, can be done in one direction, such as through electronic media or print media can also be done in a two-way (interactive) through the Internet.

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