Every human
being has the instinct to know, from this human instinct compelled to acquire
knowledge on everything. Human knowledge gained from their experiences,
knowledge was divided into two kinds, namely common knowledge that merely know
and there is Knowledge Science should qualify science is objective, methodical,
systematic and universal. Philosophy is the root of all knowledge, the
knowledge of filsafatlah born. In fact, every science that face difficulty will
be returned to the fundamental thinking.
philosophy categorized into three characteristics, namely the fundamental
thinking, truth-seeking process by constantly questioning the way to achieve
the best answer in, the most basic to the root. The second thought is
Speculative philosophy, a question will continue to operate as a circle but in
a speculative thought should be able to choose a reliable so as to find the
starting point of science. The third is the Whole, someone who wants to get an
answer to something that should be able to examine objects in detail and
detail, so it will find the correct answer. Philosophy of science would not
exist apart from the region (ontology), knowledge (epistemology) and value
(axiology). In no area of communication philosophy (ontology) discusses what
the communication? What are the object of study of communication? Etc., the
knowledge (epistemology) will discuss how communication was built? While in the
area of values (axiology) discusses the use of science communication
Ontology is to understand the nature of
science and the object of a scientific field, the object of science consists of
material objects and object forms. In communication science material object
that human action in a social context being the object forma is communication
itself. Here the communication is defined as the delivery of messages between
human effort and communication science as the study of human message delivery
attempt. In order to obtain a deeper understanding of the object of study of
science komunikas, there are three main elements, namely business, delivering
messages, and human. The effort is meant is a process of communication that
occurs between individuals have an intentional element in the delivery of the
message. Delivery of the message itself is one of the keys to the process of
communication, without delivering the message will not happen communication.
The latter is human, a process will always involve human communication,
delivering messages to other than humans are not worthy to be called with the
communication. From the above statement can be concluded that humans are
communicators, see the fundamental human in man consists of physical and
spiritual equipment. Human physical equipment that is also called the hardware
works as a means of sending messages and receiving messages that are concrete,
visible, and held, as well as easy to distinguish from each other. While the
spiritual equipment that is often called the software consists of intellect,
mind, conscience, and instincts that work simultaneously, continuously for
human life, work equipment which is spiritual, philosophy of life, the
conception of happiness, communication motives and messages.
Epistemology is a branch of philosophy that
examines and discusses the limitations, the base and foundation, tools,
benchmarks, legality, validity, and the truth of science and human knowledge.
In communication science, epistemology always questioned the feasibility of
communication as a science. As mentioned previously the feasibility of Science
must qualify science is objective, methodical, systematic and universal. In the
study of communication object itself has been described previously, and it can
be stated that the object of study of communication has a clear sabagai one of
the eligibility requirements of science, the second condition that is
systematic, which is the process of a series of systematic causal relationship.
In communication, the communication is based on a causal relationship intact,
comprehensive, and integrated.
Communication is also able to explain the
sequence of cause and effect regarding the object of study. The third is the
communication method recognizes two kinds of methods in his research that the
positivist quantitative and qualitative antipositivist. Both of these methods
aim to build knowledge and different from each other. Positivism looking
results in generalization and universal objectivity and not associated with the
value, while the results of intersubjectivity antipositivist looking to build
knowledge in ideographic and related to the value. The latter requirement is
universal, the positivist quantitative methods is clear that this method is
universal generalizations building science.
Axiology is a branch of philosophy that
discusses the value of a field of science. In science communication, Axiology
questioned about the use of science communication itself. And the use of
science communication that relies on the philosophy of individual human life
itself. A philosophy of life will determine the communication scientists in
selecting the object of research, how to do research and use research products.
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