
Wednesday, 1 April 2015


Definition and Scope
 SKI is a field of study that addresses not only the communication process, but also the elements in it, and the relationship between communication system with other systems, as well as how the image ongoing communication systems in Indonesia. Nurudin, in his book entitled Communication Systems Indonesia, SKI grouping into sections as follows:

If the terms of the geographical area, the communication system can be divided into two, namely communication systems in rural and urban areas. In Indonesia, the reality of communication in urban areas with very different in the countryside away. In the village, the communication system is strongly influenced by the presence of opinion leaders (opinion leaders, opinion leaders) as the message translator, interpretator because of its advantages compared to the general population. As for the people of the city, the communication system is strongly influenced by the presence of mass media in view of the characteristics of urban society is more individualistic than rural communities. This is also in line with the level of development of the citizens of education that allows them more dependent on the mass media.
If the terms of the media used, there is a system of print media (newspapers, magazines, tabloids), a system of electronic media (television, radio), and online media systems or the Internet. In addition there is also a system of traditional media, such as puppets, Ketoprak, ludruk, or forms of folklore, among others: (1) folk prose stories (myths, legends, fairy tales), (2) the expression of the people (proverbs, sayings), (3 ) folk poetry, (4) folk songs, (5) folk theater, (6) motion cues, (7) as a reminder, and (8) instrument sounds.
If the terms of the existing communication patterns of communication systems by themselves (intrapersonal communication system), system of interpersonal communication (interpersonal communication system), group communication systems (small group communication system), and a system of mass communication (mass communication system).
Refers to the classification of Indonesian Communication System above, the clearer it seems map SKI as a very important part in the study of the science of communication than as subjects. SKI shows the uniqueness of its own that need to be discussed in depth. However, why SKI need to be learned? Answers to these questions can be answered in case of some of the points below:

The first reason is the development of communication technology are growing rapidly in Indonesia (and even continue to grow in the future) that will change the pattern of the flow of information that will thrive. The rapid development clearly requires specific and in-depth study.
The second reason is that Indonesia is an archipelago that is multiethnic. In other words, Indonesia is a country that has keadaal wsuku heterogeneity, religion, and race. This allows each region in Indonesia has its own characteristics, so that different communications systems context.
The third reason is that although the development of communication technology so rapidly, but the majority of Indonesian people still live in rural areas. This resulted in the development of the mass media can not always utilized by the villagers. Therefore, the communication characteristics which develops in the village is clearly different from that in the city. And requires a study of opinion leaders (opinion leaders), the extension of development, and the interpreter village lights as the parties were very influential in the rural communication system.
The fourth reason is that SSP is a discussion of the complex and involves many elements and things in it. Thus, SKI can not be discussed briefly and included in the discussion of certain subjects. SKI must be explained thoroughly or comprehensive.
The last reason is the SKI clearly different communication systems in other countries. The difference is also the case in the social system, politics, and culture developed. That means the political system, social, and cultural Indonesia will also give the color and pattern of the communication system.
B. Linkages SKI with Other Systems
 SKI is a system that can not stand alone and must be related to other systems. It is undeniable that other systems directly influence the SKI. Likewise with other systems, its existence would not be complete without the SKI. In general, the relationship between communication system with other systems is as follows:

The communication system is influenced by the social system
If it be said briefly, communication systems are under subordinate social system. The social system is a large building in which the system has a subsystem, including the communication system itself. While the communication system along with other systems that are also part of the social system to support the existence or existence together. For example, the economic system, cultural system, political system support and give meaning to the existence of the social system.Social system that puts the culture of feudalism or paternalism will affect the communication process. It also applies to the social system that puts the belief system. The caste system in society would be a major part in the communication process. In terms of communication, they are derived from caste sudra (lower class) would be very difficult to communicate with their warrior caste. That is, the caste system as a system of belief in social systems affect communication systems.In Indonesia can not be denied that the social system of Java is still very decisive communication system. In Javanese culture known value ewuh pakewuh or hesitate. This fact is also manifested in the communication system. Shape, people will feel "uneasy to precede the boss" especially when should criticize.Social system here if more operationalized enter the system of public trust. It can be said that the belief system that developed in the community will help provide a "color" process and form of communication. We can take the example of the system of "caste" Hindu-Balinese society. Although the caste system was heavily criticized and some have already left the system over the times, but there are some people who still believe in and apply. People who believe in the caste system as a major confidence will affect the communication process does. So, class "lower classes" can speak or specify a mate with "upscale" in a democratic system, but in the belief system of caste, it is difficult to do. That is, belief systems have a big hand for the communications process. In other words, belief systems as social systems affect the operation of the communication system.
2. The communication system is influenced by the political system.
 Research studies on the relationship between the press system with the political system have been carried out by experts. However, the relationship between communication system with the political system has not been widely studied. In political practice, the communication system will be influenced by the presence of the political system. Democratic political system, for example, will provide opportunities communication process (in the communication system) also democratic. Instead authoritarian political system will create authoritarian communication systems as well. Therefore, clear communication process developed only determined by the authorities and goes from top to bottom. This resulted in the influence of the political system that enables a pattern like that.We can compare between the political system and the administration of the New Order Era Reform Era. In the New Order era, the political system is only determined by the government to emasculate the autonomy of society, while the Reform Era more democratic system. Proven by opening valves openness and all parties may express their opinions, so long as the signs are still in the constitution. This fact affects the passage of the communication system. Communication system for example is part of the press system was very different. Releases New Order Era full restraints, inhibited the freedom of the press, haunted cancellation Press Publishing License (this license), and a culture of commemoration. While the Reform Era, all of it is removed, ranging from the abolition of this license until dissolution Deppen. The fact that the political system and contribute directly affect the freedom of communication systems.

3. Communication Systems influenced BY systems based philosophy of Pancasila.
 Pancasila as the state philosophy that characterizes the mindset of the organizers of the Homeland and the nation's philosophy is based Pancaasila with point values ​​contained therein will guide the whole of the nation menyelenggara communication activities both in direct communication or by using a variety of media, both print and electronic, either orally, written and audio-visual equipment. Pancasila values ​​that will be a cornerstone in the making and of implementation of legislation in force in the entire territory of the republic of Indonesia. Pancasila values ​​that will frame the various indigenous and modern norms into institutional dynamic institution in the National Communications System in realizing the national aspirations set out in the destination country of Indonesia and forth in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution.
BibliographyNurudin. 2004. Communication Systems Indonesia. Jakarta: Eagle PressPanuju, Redi. 1997. Communication Systems Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Student Library.

Understanding of communication theory

COMMUNICATION THEORY basically is needed in applying a good communication intrapersonal communication, interpersonal communication, mass communication or for the usefulness of communication theory as an explanatory and giving some information on objects of communication and so that the communicant can absorb most of what was spoken by the communicator while that which is needed in komuikasi included in applying the theory of communication are communicators, media, message, audience and feedback. And the nth element of most communication has an important role in the process of communication is a powerful communicator communicator if the feedback is achieved with very baik.Dan most important in communication theory is how we are biased to establish communication with good and clear.
There are many experts who explain the science communication about communication theory among which are;a) CRAGAN & SHIELDS, 1998)Communication theory is the relationship between the theoretical concepts that help provide, in whole or in sebabagiannya, description, explanation, lighting, assessment or prediction of human actions based communicator (people) to communicate (speak, write, read, listen, watch, and so forth) for a period of time particular through the media.
b) Littlejohn, 1996
Communication theory is a theory or set of "collective thinking" that is found in the whole theory principally related communication process
c) Borman, 1989
Communication theory is one word / term that is paying for all discussions and analysis made by careful, systematic and conscious, about communication.
Communication theory that explains many of the various circles, especially among experts of communication sciences and of the definition of the above-mentioned definition in my biased conclude that communication theory is the relation of the various concepts of existing communication and applied in whole or in part by the communicator nothing to do with the process of communication.
Explaining about communication theory course there are chock if we do not explain is also all kinds of communication theory itself because since communication theory appears there are many people who express opinions, and is divided into various kinds of communication theory.

Below are some a lot about the various theories of communication among which are;

1. Teoribehaviorisme
Scientists communication that support these theories have behaviorism is JhonB.watson (1878-1958) American scientists called the father behaveorisme, this theory says that of all behavior, including retaliation, known as the response was all caused by a stimulus (stimulus) , the statement we are biased to conclude that if a stimulus has been observed and it is known that the response of the person to be easy and predictable, of each behavior can be learned through the relationship of stimulus and response.

2. TeoriInformasiThe theory of this information is part of the classical communication theory, this theory is a form of elaboration of the work of Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver (1949, Weaver. 1949), this theory states that communication as the transmission of messages and how to use the transmitter channels and media in communicating in This information communication theory focuses on the channel or media used by the transmitter if the signal in this media is not good then the communication process will not be smooth begitupunjuga otherwise.

3. The theory of agenda setting
This theory is almost the same as the information theory as the theory of agenda setting is equally dependent on the media, this theory was introduced by McCombs and Shaw DL (1972). These theories have argued that the media pressure members to an event, of the events that the media raised the event and influence audiences to regard these events penting.Kesimpulannya if what is considered important by the media, it is important also for the audience (masyaakat).
4. Uses and gratifications theory (usability and satisfaction)
The theory put forward by Herbert Blumerdan Elihu Katz (1974) .In this theory is the preferred thing in media users, users of the media's active role in this theory, to choose and use the media.

5. Dependency theory of mass communication effects
Dependency theory of communication effects developed by Sandra Ball-Rokeachdan DeFluer Melvin L. (1976), this theory is more focused on the structural conditions in a community of this community structural tendencies will be a mass media effects. This theory can be acquired by the community of modern society and how modern society has the assumption that the mass media is an information center which plays an important role in the process of maintaining, change, and conflict at the level of society and individual problems in a social activation.
Most research on the effects of mass communication can be formulated as follows;
· Cognitive; formation of attitudes and beliefs on society expand
· Affective; trying to create a society of fear and anxiety, and increase or decrease the moral support.
· Behavioral; mobilize and enable the formation of a particular issue for a community activity.