Learning Activity 1
Understanding Sociology
Sociology is the science that studies the interaction between a person and a
person's life, an individual with a group or class to class. Thus there are two
main elements in sociology, human and social relations (community). There are
various opinions about the position of the individual and society. On the one
hand there is an opinion that the individual is more dominant than the public,
but on the other hand argues that the public is more dominant than the
individual. Meanwhile, there are opinions that take a middle position which
says that between the individual and society there is a process of mutual
influence. A number of criticisms submitted to sociology, namely 1) sociology
is a difficult science, 2) sociology is only a collection of various other
social science studies, and 3) there is no special field for sociology because
the object has been widely cultivated by the other social sciences.
Sociology is a branch of social science that previously orphaned in philosophy.
Thus the basic thoughts of sociology can not be separated from the thinking of
philosophers who study about society. Sociology has developed rapidly in the
20th century, where at this time began to emerge many different branches of
sociology, such as industrial sociology, urban sociology, rural sociology, and
others. Thinking of experts who concentrate on the study of sociology is
distinguished problems on classical sociology figures and figures of modern
Learning Activity 2
Field of study Sociology
Sociology as a social science that focuses on the study of human behavior has a
very wide field of study, among other fields of study Industrial Sociology,
Sociology of Law, Sociology of Education, Sociology Urban, Rural Sociology,
Sociology of Health, and others.
Industrial Sociology examines the phenomenon of industrial problems by focusing
his studies on human factors, and relate it to the machine factors and
mechanisms oriented factory work efficiency and effectiveness. While the
Sociology of Law is a branch of sociology that studies the phenomena of law in
society. Meanwhile Sociology of Education examines the sociological processes
that take place in educational institutions with the pressure and the pressure
region at educational institutions. On the other hand Behavior Sociology
Notwithstanding examine the behavior and the conditions that are considered not
in accordance with the norms that have been agreed upon in society.
In conducting the study, especially in modern society, sociology needs to work
with other social sciences form a multidisciplinary study. Anthropology can
help sociology in terms of methodology considering anthropology has a very long
experience in conducting qualitative research. Psychology can provide input for
sociology in terms of information about trends in the individual nature.
Meanwhile sociology should also ask for help historians to provide information
about the historical processes that exist in the phenomenon of social change
Understanding Social Interactions
Social interaction can be interpreted as social relations are dynamic. Social
relations in question may be a relationship between one individual to
individual, between one group with another group, or between groups of
individuals. In interactions also are symbols, where the symbol is defined as
something that is of value or meaning given to it by those who use it
The process of social interaction by Herbert Blumer is when people act toward
things on the basis of the meaning possessed something for humans. Then the
meaning possessed something that comes from the interaction between a person
and his neighbor. And the last is the meaning is not fixed but can be changed,
the change of the meaning can occur through a process of interpretation that
people make when spotted anything. The process is also called the
interpretative process
Social interaction can occur when between two individuals or groups are social
contacts and communication. Social contact is the first stage of the social
relations Communication is the delivery of information and provision of
interpretation and reaction to the information submitted. Karp and Yoels show
some things that can be a source of information for the start of communication
or social interaction. Resources can be divided into two: Physical characteristics
and appearance. Physical traits, is everything owned by an individual from
birth that includes gender, age, and race. Appearance here can include physical
attractiveness, body shape, appearance dressed, and discourse.
Social interaction has rules, and rules that can be seen through the dimensions
of space and time dimensions of Robert T Hall and Definitions Situation of WI
Thomas. Hall divides the room into four social interaction distance
limitations, namely intimate distance, personal distance, social distance, and
public distance. In addition to the rules of the chamber Hall also explain the
rules regarding time. At this time dimension seen the tolerance limits of time
that may affect the form of the interaction. The last rule is the dimension of the
situation presented by WI Thomas. The definition of the situation is the
interpretation of a person before giving a reaction. Definition of the
situation created by the individual and society.
Learning Activity 2
Forms of Social Interaction
Forms of social interaction related to associative processes can be divided
into forms of cooperation, accommodation, and assimilation. Cooperation is a
joint effort of individuals with individuals or groups to achieve one or more
goals. Accommodation can be defined as a state, in which there is a balance in
the interaction between individuals or groups of people related to social norms
and social values prevailing in the society. Efforts were made to achieve
stability. While Assimilation is a process in which the parties interact
identify themselves with the interests and goals of the group
Forms of interaction associated with dissociative process can be divided into a
form of competition, contravention, and conflict. Competition is a social
process, in which individuals or groups of people who compete, seek profits
through areas of life. The shape of contravention is a form of social
interaction that are located between competition and conflict. While conflict
is a social process in which individuals or groups seeking to meet its
objectives with the party challenging an opponent who is accompanied by threats
and violence.
To stage of the process-associative and dissociative processes Mark L. Knapp
explains the stages of social interaction to get closer and to loosen. Stages
to bring include stages begin (initiating), explore (experimenting), increase
(intensifying), integrating (integrating) and attribute (bonding). While the
stage to stretch includes discriminate (differentiating), limiting
(circumscribing), jam (stagnating), avoid (avoiding), and decided
Other interactions approach is the approach of Erving Goffman's dramaturgy by.
Through this approach Erving Goffman uses language and imaginary theater to
describe the subjective and objective facts of social interaction. Concepts in
this approach include where social interaction called social establishment,
where social interaction is called to prepare a back region / backstage, where
the delivery of the expression in social interaction is called a front region,
individuals who see the so-called audience interaction, the appearance of the
parties- parties referred to interact with the team of performers, and those
who do not see the interaction called outsider.
Erving Goffman also convey the concept of impression management to show the
individual effort in displaying a certain impression on others. The concept of
expression for the individual who made the statement in the interaction. This
concept consists of expression given to statements given and the expression
given off to a statement released. As well as the concept of impression to
other people who get the impression in the interaction.
Learning Activity 1
Understanding Socialization
Understanding socialization refers to a process of learning an individual who
would change from someone who does not know anything about themselves and their
environment becomes better know and understand. Socialization is a process
where a person live (mendarahdagingkan - internalize) the norms of the group in
which he lives so that there arose a unique self, because at the beginning of
life not found what is called the "self".
The aim of sociology in the study of socialization for study of how people
interact, we can understand other people better. By paying attention to others,
ourselves and our position in society then we can understand how we think and
There are some concepts related to socialization, namely the significant
others, the generalized other, looking glass self and impression management.
Each concept is a significant contribution in an individual undergoing the
process of socialization.
Important product of the process of socialization is self / personality / self.
In the framework of interaction with others, someone will develop a uniqueness
in terms of behavior, thoughts and feelings together will form the self.
Agents of socialization includes family, friends play, school and mass media.
The family is the first agent of socialization encountered by children in early
development. Then the peer group as an agent of socialization in which the
child will learn about setting up role-based people equal. Schools as agents of
socialization are educational institutions where the students during the school
will study aspects of independence, achievement, universalism and specificity.
Socialization agent latter is where the mass media through the dissemination of
messages and symbols that are delivered by a variety of media will give rise to
a variety of opinions also in society
Learning Activity 2
Type Socialization and Socialization Patterns
The process experienced by individuals divided into primary and secondary
socialization, primary socialization experienced by individuals in childhood,
occurs within the family, the individual does not have the right to choose an
agent of socialization, individuals can not avoid to accept and internalize the
family perspective
While the secondary socialization with regard to when the individual is able to
interact with people other than his family. In secondary socialization and
resocialization process desosialisasi there, where both are processes related
to one another. Resocialization related to teaching and cultivation of
different values with the values that never experienced before, to
strengthen the cultivation of new values are then desosialisasi occur where
the individual that old "revoked and given" a new self in the process
of resocialization. Both of these processes is clearly visible in a total institution
is a place where there are a large number of separate individuals from their
social environment.
Patterns of socialization refers to the ways used in socialization, there are
two patterns, namely repressive and participatory. Repressive emphasis on the
use of punishment, to use this material in punishment and reward, child
compliance in the elderly, one-way communication, nonverbal and contains a
command, the parents as the center of socialization so that the desire of
parents to be important, the family becomes significant others. While
participatory socialization emphasizes the individual to be rewarded if good
behavior, punishment and rewards are symbolic, children are given the freedom,
the emphasis on interaction, communication occurs orally, child socialization
center so that the purposes of the child is considered important, the family
becomes generalized others.
Someone will undergo a process of socialization that are continuous over the
lives of individuals ranging from children until they are adults. Including
gender socialization will be experienced by people both men and women. Gender
socialization refers to the ways used by the public in learning about gender
identity and evolve according to the cultural norms of male and female
Social stratification
Learning Activity 1
Definition of Social Stratification
Social stratification is a concept in sociology who see how members of the
public distinguished by its status.
The status of every member of the community is obtained with an undertaking
(achievement status) and there were obtained without a business (ascribed
status). Stratification is derived from the word meaning stratum corneum layer
or in the plural.
Pitirin A. Sorokin defines stratification as a distinction resident or member
of society into classes hierarchically. Meanwhile, according to Bruce J. Cohen
stratification system will put an individual at the appropriate social class
based on the qualities possessed.
Stratification can occur by itself as part of the growth process of the
community, can also be formed to achieve common goals. The factors that cause
social stratification can grow by itself is intelligence, age, kinship system,
and treasure in certain limits.
Social mobility is a change in the status of individuals or groups in social
stratification. Mobility can be divided into vertical and horizontal mobility
mobility. Vertical mobility can also be divided into two, vertical mobility
intragenerasi, and intergenerational mobility.
In connection with this mobility, the social stratification has two properties,
namely stratification stratification open and closed. On stratification open
the possibility of social mobility is quite large, while the closed
stratification possibility of social mobility is very small.
Learning Activity 2
Dimensions of Social Stratification
To explain the social stratification there are three dimensions that can be
used are: privilege, prestige, and power. All three of these dimensions can be
used alone, but also can didigunakan together.
Karl Marx used the one-dimensional, that is privileged or economic to divide
industrial society into two classes, Bourgeois and Proletarian. While Max
Weber, Peter Berger, Jeffries and Ransford use the third dimension. Of the use
of the third dimension Max Weber introduced the concept: class, group status,
and party.
Social class is a distinction of individuals or groups based on economic
criteria. To explore this social class Soerjono Soekarno provide 6 traditional
According to Horton and Hunt existence of social classes in society influence
on several things, including the identification and awareness of social class,
family patterns, and the emergence of a status symbol in society.
Forms of stratification can be differentiated into form composite layer which
can include pyramidal, inverted pyramid, and diamonds. In addition to composite
layer stratification forms can also be shown in a circular shape.
Stratification circular shape is mainly related to the dimensions of power.
There are three ways that we can do to be able to determine the form of social
stratification. The third way is to approach an objective, subjective approach,
and reputational approach.
Learning Activity 1
Types of Groups
In general, the group is defined as a collection of people, while sociologists
see as a group of two or more persons who develop a sense of unity and are
bound together by patterns of social interaction are relatively stable. There
are a number of criteria that characterize whether a group of people can be
called as a group or not, but basically there are two fundamental
characteristics of the group, namely 1) the interaction pattern and 2) lack of
awareness of a common identity.
There are various types of groups. Bierstedt classify groups into statistical
groups, community groups, social groups, and group associations. While Durkheim
Emille divide into groups based on mechanical solidarity and group based on
organic solidarity. Ferdinand Tonnies classify them into gemeinschaft and
Gesellschaft. C.H. Cooley split the group into groups of primary and secondary
groups. While W.G. Sumner mengklasifikannya to the in-group and out-group. K.
Merton describes the reference group. Meanwhile another group type is a
voluntary group-nonsukarela, vertical-horizontal group, open-closed groups, as
well as a majority-minority groups
Learning Activity 2
Inter-group Relations
Relations between groups is social interaction between two or more groups.
Interconnected group is classified based on the physiological and cultural
criteria. Relations between groups is not a relationship that suddenly formed.
This relationship is the accumulation of a series of social relations that
exist. This relationship contains a number of dimensions, including the
dimension of history, attitudes, behavior, social movements, and institutions.
In addition there are also a number of factors that influence the formation of
the relationship between these groups, namely racism, ethnicity, sexism, and
Learning Activity 1
Notwithstanding Behavior
Deviations can be defined as behavior that is not successfully adapt to the
norms of society, which means that such deviations occur if a person does not
comply with existing norms benchmark. Dysfunction of deviant behavior can lead
to endangerment of social life, because the order of the existing system can
not run properly because there are individuals who are unable to perform their
duties in the public system. In addition, aberrant behavior has among other
functions produce behavior in conformity to the majority of people to keep it
running in the path specified, strengthen group ties and deviant behavior can
lead to social change for the system running properly.
Theoretically deviant behavior can be explained through the explanation of
biological, psychological and sociological. In sociology of deviant behavior
are analyzed from a structural perspective, the transmission of culture,
conflict and labeling perspective where each perspective has focused their
respective problems in view of deviant behavior.
Often a deviant behavior in a society but not deviate in other communities.
This is related to deviant behavior relativity where the view of relativism can
see that the deviation in interpretation only in the socio-cultural context in
which such deviations occur. Relativism is related to the time, place,
situation and social status.
Learning Activity 2
Collective Behavior
Sociologists use the term collective behavior refers to the behavior of a group
of people who appear spontaneously, not structured in response to certain
events. Collective behavior is an unusual behavior, so that the collective
behavior can be interpreted as an act of relatively spontaneous, unstructured
and unstable from a group of people, which aims to eliminate the sense of
dissatisfaction and anxiety. So that we can distinguish between collective
behavior with the behavior of the routine.
Theoretically collective behavior can be explained from different angles
including a theory of scattering theory, interactionist theory, emergent-norm
theory and the theory of value-added. Basic conditions that trigger the
emergence of collective behavior according to the theory of value-added are: structural
suitability, structural tension, the development of public trust, the factors
that precede, mobilization and social control.
Collective behavior, among others, may take the form of collective behavior
spread, crowds and social movements. Collective behavior spread covering
fashion, rumors, and the public. While this type include the casual crowd,
conventional, expresive, and acting. Social movement has the form, among
others, the revolutionary movement, reformist, conservative and reactionary movement,
while the social revolution one example of a social movement.
Learning Activity 3
Social Control
Social control refers to a process either planned or unplanned, in which the
process of social control that society is made to adhere to the norms prevailing
in society.
The community hopes that the individual in himself has appeared awareness to
comply with the norms and behave in conformity with the rules of society, which
means that the bag konformi behavior is inherent in the individual.
Nevertheless there are mostly people who have to be trained to carry out
conformity where socialization process involved in it. Through the process of
socialization someone will learn what is acceptable behavior with regard to
various situations that would be her face, but that he will learn which
behaviors are appropriate and inappropriate for him to carry.
Forms of social control with regard to sanctions either in the form of
punishment or reward behavior that is approved or not approved by the
community. In society there are various forms of social control such as
language, gossip, ostratisme, intimidation and physical violence are generally
committed by individuals against other individuals. Whatever form of social
control that held all of it aims to restore individuals who perform deviant
Learning Activity 1
Social Order
A social environment in which the individuals interact with each other on the
basis of status and social role that is governed by a set of norms and values
termed the social order (social order). Social order has several elements,
among others, the social structure and social institutions. The social
structure is defined as a network interconnectivity, which directs normative
social relationships that exist in society. Social structure which is
entanglement relationship, characterized by the existence of the organization
and stability. In relation to the social structure known term status and role.
In general, the status is understood as a sequence of people based on their
wealth, influence, and prestige. But sociologists interpret the status of the
position in the group or community. Distinguished status ascribed status,
Achieved statuses, and master statuses. Status provided to us by the group or
society we called ascribed statuses. Meanwhile Achieved statuses provided for
us in relation to individual choice and competition. While the master statuses
are the key or core of status has a major weight in one's social interactions
and relationships with other people. Furthermore, the concept of social role
refers to the notion of a series of rights and duties that are culturally
defined. The role is expected behavior with respect to the status held. Thus,
the role of performance is the actual behavior of a person in connection with
his status.
Other elements of the social order is a social institution. Social institution
defined as the norms, rules, and patterns of organization that developed around
the needs or problems associated with the principal community experience. Based
on the function of social institutions be distinguished among other things
instiutution kinship, educational institution, economic institution, scientific
institution, and others
One form of social order is the community. Society is defined as a social system
that is self-sufficient (self-subsistent), exceeding the life span of normal
individuals and recruit members in biological reproduction and socialization of
the next generation. Based on the opinion of experts look that is not easy to
apply the concept of the unity of the community on a variety of existing life.
Learning Activity 2
Family Institutions and Educational Institutions
In connection with the institution of the family, the family formed through an
event called marriage. Marriage itself is defined as a union between two people
or two large families. While it is generally a family is defined as a group of
men and women bound by marriage and their children who are not married. There
are several perspectives that seek to uncover the existence of this family in
the community that the interactionist perspective, the perspective of
functionalism and conflict perspective. But basically there are two forms of
marriage rules that exogamy and endogamy. In addition, there are rules about
which categories or groups should not be married is called incest taboo
In connection with educational institutions, the educational institution is
defined as a learning process which, among others, aimed at meeting the need
for the transmission of knowledge and prepare the individual for the job role.
while education is various forms of cultural or intellectual instruction system
formalized or semi-formalized. There are three basic types of education is
education in practical skills, education group status, and bureaucratic
education. In the educational institutions there are two functions by
sociologists divided into functions manifest and latent functions. In addition,
there are three approaches used to assess educational phenomena: 1)
functionalist approach, 2) Marxist conflict theory, and 3) the theory of Weber
Learning Activity 3
Economic Institutions and Institutional plitik
Economic activity arises from the existence of community efforts to organize
land, labor, capital, and technology in order to generate (produce),
distribute, and consume goods and services. There are three main concepts of
economic activity, namely 1) the idea that the economic sector is divided into
primary, secondary and tertiary, 2) the concept of a dual economy (an economy
double), and 3) the concept of the difference between the job (occupation) and
profession (profession) . Meanwhile, there are two approaches used to assess
the economic namely capitalism approach, which emphasizes the idea of 1)
private property (private property), 2) the profit motive (freedom of choice),
3) free competition (freedom of competition), and 4) free from government
intervention (freedom from government interference). While the socialist
approach see the capitalist system would only benefit the owners of capital,
not the general public.
Furthermore, politics is a process that is institutionalized through decisions
that affect the community, region, state, or society as a whole are created and
organized. There are some concepts related to politics, namely the concept of
power, authority / authorities, and influence. In connection with this
political order, there are several approaches that functionalist and conflict
approaches. Meanwhile Max Weber has identified three specific types of
authority that is traditional, legal-rational, and charismatic. Also there are
three theories that explain the distribution of power is pluralistic models,
elite model, and the model class. In connection with the political changes,
there are some forms that are used to hold political change that is terrorism,
rebellion, evolution and revolution.
Learning Activity 1
Social Change
Social change is a phenomenon that will always exist in society, because
society is always changing in the smallest aspect.
Social change and cultural change is actually two different concepts but are
related to each other, in which social change refers to changes in the social
structure and social relations in society while cultural change refers to a
change in terms of culture in society. But changes in social relationships will
cause it changes the aspect of values and norms that are part of the cultural
There are various theories that can explain the phenomenon of social change in
the community. But all of that theory actually complement each other, an
improvement or also made significant contributions in understanding the
phenomenon of social change.
Social change can occur because seba