
Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Analysis of information systems

 Analysis of information systems

Information can be likened to blood flow in the human body, as well as information in a company that is very important to support the ongoing development, so there is a reason that the information is necessary for a company. Result if the lack of information, within a specified time the company will experience an inability to control the resources, so that in taking strategic decisions very disturbed, which will ultimately defeat the competitors compete with the environment.

In addition, the system information held often can not work well. The main problem is that the information system too much information that is not useful or meaningful (system too much data). Understanding the basic concepts of information is very important (vital) in designing an effective information system (effective business system). Setting up a step or method of providing quality information is the goal in designing the new system.

Basic Concepts of Information There are several definitions, among others:

  1. Data is processed into a form that is more useful and more meaningful for those who receive it.
  2. Sesuatu real or semi-real which can reduce the degree of uncertainty about a situation or event. For example, information that states that the value of the rupiah will rise, so will reduce the uncertainty about whether an investment will be made.
  3. Data organized to help choose some current or future action or nonaction to fullfill company goals (the choice is called business decision making). Cycle Information To obtain useful information for the recipient, it is necessary to explain how the cycles that occur or are needed to produce information.
                      First of all data is entered into the model, which generally have a specific process sequence and certainly, after processing will produce certain information useful to the recipient (management level) as the basis for making a decision or take a particular action, of the decision or action will generate or acquired certain events that will be reused as the data that will be incorporated into the model (process), and so on. Thus it would form a cycle information (information cycle) or cycle data processing (data processing cycles), as shown below:

Information quality (quality of information) is influenced or determined by several things, namely:
1.Relevan (relevancy) means the information should provide benefits to the wearer. The relevance of the information for each person different from one another. For example, information on the causes of damage to the machine production company accountant is less relevant and would be more relevant when addressed to expert engineering company * How is the message used for problem solving (decision masking)?
2.Akurat (accuracy) Information should be free from mistakes and not biased or misleading, and should clearly reflect the intent. Inaccuracies can occur due to resources (data) impaired or deliberate so that damage or alter the original data. Accurate components: - Completeness; Are Necessary items present message? Means information generated or required should have a good completeness, because if the information generated partial course will affect the decisions or determine the action as a whole, so that will affect the ability to control or solve a problem with either. - Correctness; Items are correct message? - Security; Did the message reach all or only the intended systems users?3.Tepat time (timeliness) information generated or required should not be too late (obsolete). The information has not worn a good value, so if used as a basis for decision making will be fatal or errors in judgment and action. These conditions led to the high value of the information, so the speed to obtain, process and send it requires new technologies.4.Ekonomis (Economy) * What level of resources is needed to move information through the problem-solving cycle?5.Efisien (Efficiency) * What level of resources is required for the call now units of information output?6.Dapat believed (Reliability) Processing time or time data is used to describe changes in the form of data into information that has keguanaan (data processing is the term used to describe changes performed on the data to produce purposeful information).

Operations performed in the data processing:1. Data input• Recording transaction data to a data processing medium (eg, punching a number into the calculator).• Coding transaction data into another form (eg, female genital converting attributes to the letter F). • Storing the data or information for decision-making (potential information for future).

2. Data transformation• Calculating, arithmetic operations on the data field.
• summarizing, the process of accumulation of some data (for example, add the number of hours worked each day of the week becomes the value of the total working hours per week).• Classifying data is group-specific group: - categorizing the data into groups based on certain karakteristrik (eg, grouping data based on the semester students active). - Sorting the data into a form that is sequential (eg, sorting in ascending employee identification numbers). - Merging of two or more sets of data based on specific criteria (combining sales data for January, February and March into the group quarterly). - Matching the data based on the user wishes to group the data (for example, select all employees whose total income is more than 15 million per year).3. Information output• Displaying result, the necessary information the user through a monitor or printed.
• reproducing, storing the data used for other users need.
• Telecommunicating, storage of electronic data through the communication channel.
Main Processes and Functions Image Data Processing Information System Can be defined as
a. A system created by humans which consists of components within the organization to achieve a goal of presenting information.
b. A set of organizational procedures when implemented will provide information for decision makers and / or to control the organization.c. A system in an organization that brings transaction processing needs, support the operation, managerial and strategic activities of an organization and provide certain outside parties with the necessary reports.

Benefits Information System

 a. Organizations use information systems to process transactions, reduce costs and generate revenue as one of their products or services.
b. Banks use information systems to process checks from customers and create various reports and checking account transactions.c. The company uses information systems to maintain inventory at the lowest level to be consistent with the type of goods available.
Component Information Systema. It consists of computer hardware, peripherals (printers) and networking.b.Software is a collection of command / function written with certain rules to instruct the computer perform certain tasks. Software can be classified into the Operating System (Windows 95 and NT), applications (Accounting), Utilities (Anti Virus, Speed ​​Disk), and English (3 GL and 4 GL).c. Data is a basic component of information to be processed further to produce information.d. Procedure procedure / process systems, operational handbook (application) and technical.e. Humans Involved in the human component as the operator, the leader of information systems and so on.Therefore, it needs a clear job description. Systems Analysis Phase In this phase:
• Do the process of assessment, identification and evaluation of components and reciprocal relationships involved in the development of the system; definition of the problem, objectives, needs, priorities and constraints of the system; plus the identification of costs, benefits and schedule estimates for potential solutions.
• Phase analysis of the system is the professional phase of the system perform system analysis activities.
• The resulting report provides a basis for forming a project team and start the system of systems analysis phase.
• The project team system gain a clearer understanding of the reasons for developing a new system. • The scope of the analysis of the system is determined in this phase. Professionals interviewed prospective users of the system and work with the user in question to seek settlement of the problem and determine the needs of users.
• Some aspects of the system that is being developed may not fully known at this stage, so the critical assumptions were made to allow for the continuation of the system development life cycle.• At the end of the phase of system analysis, system analysis report prepared. This report contains findings and recommendations. If this report is approved, the project team is ready to start the system design phase of the system in general. If the report is not approved, the project team must run additional analysis system until all participants agree.
Business Process Analysis Business Process Model to the scheme of business process models developed for analyzing business processes. Business Process Model Business Process Model developed this then is developed with the conceptual data model and physical data modeling at the level of design and subsequent implementation.

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