
Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Example about sociology 1st half

1. Describe the development of sociology which is based on the philosophy of scienceObject of his study of philosophy of science divides into two formal objects and material objects. From both these objects appear three groups of science, namely social science, natural science and the humanities. Sociology is part of the social sciences (social science). The emergence of sociology as a science can not be separated from the development of the age and growth of human civilization. It is also common in other social sciences such as economics, psychology, history, social psychology, and so on. The development of the social sciences (including sociology) occurred since the 19th century.

2. your understanding of the definition of sociology that is based on expert opinionSociology is the science relating to social life. In other words, the study of human life in society. People often refer to as the Science Society. As the definition of some experts such as:• Ibn Chaldun: sociology is the study of human society in a variety of forms, character and traits rather than traps forms and laws controlling development.• Max Weber: sociology is a science that provides interpretations and understandings of social action• Selosoemardjan & Soelaeman Soemardi: sociology is the study of social structure and social processes, including social changes

3.Variation between sociology paradigm to paradigm and paradigm metaphysical constructsThe first time was introduced by Thomas S. Kuhn in "The Structure of Scientific Revolution" of 1962 which translates "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" in 1989. Kuhn explains the meaning of paradigm and classify them into three things: Paradigm metaphysical (metaphysical paradigm); sociological (sociological paradigm); and construct (construct paradigm).Metaphysical paradigm play function:• Referring to something that becomes the center of attention of the scientific community;• Referring to the scientific community that focuses to find something there;• Referring to scientists hoping to find something that actually existed.Sociological paradigm refers to understanding the diversity of phenomena that become scientists study results are accepted by scientists in the fieldConstruct paradigm is the most narrow concepts related to specific science

4 what is studied in the paradigm of social factsSocial facts paradigm developed by Emile Durkheim in "The Rules of Sociological Method", 1895 and "Suicide" in 1897. He criticized sociology August Comte dominated by positivismenya that sociology assessed based on the idea, not the facts on the ground. Durkheim put social facts as sociological studies should target through field studies (field research) rather than by pure reasoning. Theories in this paradigm is a structural functional theory, conflict theory, the theory of macro sociology and systems theory.Which becomes the study of social facts paradigm are: social structure and social institutions.The social structure is a network of social relations in which the interaction occurs and organized and through which the social position of individuals and subgroups distinguishedSocial institutions are the norm and value patterns

5. Giver difference between the social definition paradigm to paradigm of social behaviorThe paradigm of social definition of character is Max Weber who analyze social action (social action). Social action is the action of individuals against others that have meaning for himself and for others. The key word "meaningful action". Weber does not distinguish between structures and social institutions as both make human form meaningful action. To study it used the method of "analysis of understanding" (interpretative understanding). Theories in this paradigm is phenomenology, symbolic interactionism, ethnometodology and dramaturgyThe paradigm of the social behavior of the characters is B.F. Skinner. The object of sociology is human behavior that looks as well as the possibility of recurrence (the relationship between individuals and their environment). So the paradigm of social behavior is a stimulus mechanism of response, social action in which the actors only passive responders from the stimulus that comes to him. Theory incorporated in sociology behavioral paradigm is the concept of "reinforcement" and the proposition "reward and punishment", as well as exchange theory assuming there is always a "give and take" in the social world

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