
Sunday, 1 March 2015


Anthropology is a branch of social science that studies the culture of a particular ethnic community. Anthropology birth or appear originated from the interest of the European people who see physical traits, customs, culture, different from what is known in Europe.
Anthropology is derived from the word anthropos meaning man, and logos meaning science. Anthropological study of humans as biological beings at once a social being. Experts define anthropology as follows:
William A. Haviland Anthropology is the study of humanity, tried to make useful generalizations about human beings and their behavior as well as to obtain a complete understanding of human diversity.
David Hunter Anthropology is the science that is born of unlimited curiosity of mankind.
Koentjaraningrat Anthropology is the study of mankind in general by studying a variety of colors, the physical form of society and culture produced.
The development phase of Anthropology
Phase I
Approximately 15-16 century, the nations of Europe began vying to explore the world. Starting from Africa, America, Asia, to Australia. In their explorations found many new things. They also met many tribes that are alien to them. Adventure stories and then they record their findings in a diary or journal journey. They record everything related to the foreign tribes. Start of physical characteristics, culture, community composition, or the language of the tribe. The materials that contain descriptions of the foreign tribes later known as etnogragfi materials or descriptions of the nations.
Ethnographic materials that attract the attention of students in Europe. Then, at the beginning of the 19th century European attention to ethnic ethnographic materials outside Europe from a scientific standpoint, it becomes very large. Therefore, arise efforts to integrate the entire set of ethnographic material.
Second phase (1800s)
In this phase, the ethnographic materials have been compiled into essays by thinking the evolution of society at that time. society and culture evolved slowly and in the long term. They consider the non-European nations as nations remained primitive, and consider Europe as a nation of high culture
In this phase, aims Antopologi academic, community and culture they are studying the primitive with a view to gaining an understanding of the levels of the history of the spread of human culture
Third phase (early 20th century)
In this phase, the countries in Europe vying to establish colonies in other continents such as Asia, America, Australia and Africa. In order to establish colonies, appeared various constraints such as the attacks of the original peoples, insurrections, the weather was not suitable for Europeans and other obstacles. In the deal, the colonial governments of European countries trying to seek out weaknesses indigenous to then conquer. For that they begin to learn about the ethnographic materials tribes outside Europe, studying the culture and habits, to the interests of the colonial government.
Fourth phase (after 1930)
In this phase, Anthropology growing rapidly. Cultures of indigenous peoples in colonized nations of Europe, began to disappear as a result of affected European culture.
In this period also witnessed a major war in Europe, World War II. This war brought about many changes in people's lives and bring most of the countries in the world to total destruction. The devastation that resulted in poverty, social inequality, and endless misery.
But at that moment, the spirit of nationalism emerged colonized nations of Europe to get out of the shackles of colonialism. Most of these nations succeed them. But many people who still harbor resentment against European nations that have colonized them for years.
Processes such changes cause concern anthropology is no longer aimed at the rural population outside of Europe, but also to the tribes in rural areas of Europe such as ethnicity Soami, Flam and Lapp.
Elements of culture
There are some experts who put forward the opinion of the components or elements of culture, among others, as follows:
• Melville J. Herskovits mention culture has four main elements, namely:
o technology tools
o economic system
o family
o political power
• Bronislaw Malinowski said there are four key elements include:
o The system of norms that enable collaboration among the members of the community to adapt to the natural surroundings
o economic organization
o tools and institutions or officials to education (the family is the primary educational institution)
o organizational strength (politics)
According J.J. Hoenigman, a form of culture can be divided into three: ideas, activities, and artifacts.
• Ideas (Being ideal)
Ideal form of culture is a culture in the form of a collection of ideas, ideas, values, norms, rules, and so on which are abstract; can not be felt or touched. This culture form located in the heads or in nature thinking citizens. If the community expressed their ideas in written form, then the location of the ideal culture are in essays and books of the works of writers such citizens.
• Activity (action)
Activity is a form of culture as a pattern of human action in the community. This form is often also referred to the social system. The social system is composed of human activities that interact, make contact, and get along with other humans according to certain patterns are based on the traditional code of conduct. Concrete nature, occurs in everyday life, and can be observed and documented.
• Artifacts (work)
Artifacts is a form of physical culture in the form of the results of activities, actions, and the work of all people in the community in the form of objects or things that can be touched, seen, and documented. Nature of most concrete manifestation of the three cultures.
In the reality of social life, the culture form that one can not be separated from another culture form. For example: the ideal culture form organize and give direction to the action (activity) and work (artifacts) in humans.
Based on its form, the culture can be classified into two main components:
• Culture of material
Material culture refers to all creation community real, concrete. Included in the material culture are the findings resulting from an archaeological dig: clay bowl, perhisalan, weapons, and so on. Material culture also includes items, such as television, airplanes, sports stadiums, clothing, skyscrapers, and a washing machine.
• Culture nonmaterial
Nonmaterial culture is abstract creations are passed down from generation to generation, for example in the form of fairy tales, folklore, and traditional songs or dances.
The relationship between the elements of culture
Components or major elements of culture, among others:
Equipment and supplies life (technology)
Technology regarding ways or techniques to produce, use, and maintain all equipment and supplies. Technology appears in the ways of organizing human society, in ways that express a sense of beauty, or the art of producing results.
A small community on the move or rural communities that live on the farm at least recognize eight kinds of traditional technology (also called system equipment and elements of physical culture), namely:
• productive tools
• weapons
• container
• the means to light a fire
• food
• clothing
• shelter and housing
• the means of transport
Livelihood systems
The attention of scientists in livelihood systems has focused on the problems of traditional livelihoods alone, among them:
• hunting and gathering
• raising
• farming in the fields
• fishing
System of kinship and social organization
Kinship system is a very important part in the social structure. M. Fortes argued that kinship system of a society can be used to describe the social structure of the society concerned. Kinship is a social units consisting of several families who have a blood relationship or marriage relationship. Kinship members consisting of father, mother, son, daughter, grandchild, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, grandfather, grandmother, and so on. In the study of sociology-anthropology, there are several kinds of kinship groups that are relatively small to large as ambilineal family, clan, fatri, and half of the community. In public we also know other kinship groups such as the nuclear family, extended family, family bilateral and unilateral family.
Meanwhile, social organizations are social club formed by society, whether incorporated or unincorporated, which serves as a means of community participation in nation building. As beings who have always lived together, the human form of social organization to achieve certain goals that they can not achieve alone.
Language is a tool or a cultural manifestation that humans use to communicate or relate, either in writing, orally, or movement (sign language), with the aim of conveying the liver intent or willingness to interlocutor or others. Through language, humans can adapt to the customs, behavior, manners of society, and at the same easy to confound him with all forms of society.
Language has several functions that can be divided into common functions and special functions. The function of language in general is as a tool for expression, communication, and tools to conduct integration and social adaptation. While the function of language in particular is to make contact in daily life, embody the arts (literature), studied the ancient texts, and to exploit science and technology.
 Belief systems
There are times when the knowledge, understanding, and physical endurance of man in control of the master and uncover the secrets of nature is very limited. Simultaneously, there is a belief in the existence of the supreme ruler of the universe system, which also controls the man as one part of the universe. Accordingly, both individual and social life, human beings can not be separated from religion or belief system to the ruler of the universe.
Religions and other belief systems are often integrated with the culture. Religion (English: Religion, which berasar of Latin religare, which means "tether"), is an important cultural element in the history of mankind. Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion (Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion) defines religion as follows:
... An institution with a membership that is recognized and used to gather together for worship, and receive a package that offers the doctrine related to the attitude to be taken by the individual to obtain true happiness. [1]
Religion usually has a principle, such as "10 Word" in Christianity or "five pillars" of Islam. Sometimes religion is involved in the government system, such as in a theocracy. Religion also affect the arts.
Religion of Abraham
Jewish religion is one of the-if ​​not called as the first-listed as a monotheistic religion and one of the oldest religions still exist today. Values ​​and history of the Jewish people is a major part of the other Abrahamic religions, such as Christianity and Islam.
Christian is one of the important religious succeeded in changing the face of European culture in the past 1,700 years. Modern philosophers thought was much influenced by Christian philosophers sort St. Thomas Aquinas and Erasmus.
Meanwhile, values ​​and norms of Islam many cultural influences Middle East and North Africa, and also in parts of Southeast Asia.
Eastern philosophy and religion from the east
Philosophy and religion are often inextricably linked to each other in the Asian culture. Religion and philosophy in Asia mostly from India and China and spread throughout the Asian continent through cultural diffusion and migration.
Hinduism is the source of Buddhism, Mahayana branch spread along the northern and eastern India to Tibet, China, Mongolia, Japan and Korea and southern China to Vietnam. Theravāda Buddhism spread around Southeast Asia, including Sri Lanka, parts of northwest China, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand.
Hinduism from India, teaches the importance of intangible elements while an other Indian thought, Carvaka, stressing to find pleasure in the world.
Confucianism and Taoism, two philosophies which originated in China, affecting both the religious, artistic, political, or philosophical tradition in all of Asia.
In the 20th century, in the two most populous countries in Asia, the two streams of political philosophy created. Mahatma Gandhi gives a new sense of Ahimsa, the core of Hindu and Jaina, and give a new definition of the concept of non-violence and anti-war. In the same period, the philosophy of communism, Mao Zedong became secular belief system that is very strong in China.
 Traditional Religion
Traditional Religion
Traditional religion, or sometimes referred to as the "religion of their ancestors", followed by a majority of tribal in Asia, Africa, and America. Influence bereka big enough; may be considered to have absorbed into the culture or even became the state religion, such as the Shinto religion. Like most other religions, traditional religions answer the spiritual needs of the human heart will be peace in troubled times, afflicted, afflicted and provide ritual aimed at human happiness itself.
 "American Dream"
American Dream, or the "American dream" in Indonesian, is a trust, which is believed by many people in the United States. They believe, through hard work, sacrifice, and determination, regardless of social status, one can get a better life. [2] This idea stems from a belief that the United States is a "city on a hill" (or a city upon a hill ")," a light for the nations "(" a light unto the nations "), [3] which has value and wealth that has been around since the arrival of European explorers to the next generation.
Religion often affects marriage and sexual behavior. Most Christian churches give some kind of a blessing to those who are married; usually enter the church ceremony wedding vows in front of guests, as evidence that these communities receive their marriage. Christians also see the relationship between Jesus Christ and his church. The Roman Catholic Church believes that a divorce is wrong, and those who can not be married divorced back in the church. While Islam view marriage as a liability. Islam recommends not to divorce, but allow it.
 Systems science and knowledge
Simply put, knowledge is everything that is known about the human body, nature, circumstances, and expectations. Knowledge possessed by all ethnic groups in the world. They gain knowledge through experience, intuition, revelation, and think logically, or experiments empirical (trial and error).
The knowledge system are grouped into:
• knowledge about nature
• knowledge about plants and animals in the surrounding
• knowledge about the human body, knowledge about the nature and behavior of human beings
• knowledge of space and time

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