
Saturday, 21 March 2015


Communications GroupUNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION GROUPAccording to Anwar Arifin group communication is communication that takes place between several people in a group of "small" as in meetings, meetings, conferences and so on (Anwar Arifin, 1984). Michael Burgoon (in Wiryanto, 2005) defines communication as a group face-to-face interaction between three or more people, with the aim of which is well known, such as sharing information, keeping away, problem solving, in which members can recall the personal characteristics of the members others as appropriate. From the above two definitions have in common, namely the existence of face to face communication, and have a specific arrangement of the work plan umtuk achieve group goals.
According to Dedy Mulyana group is a group of people who have a common goal which interact with each other to achieve a common goal, to know each other, and look upon them as part of the group. This example is a family group, group discussion, or a central committee convene to take a decision. In the group communication, also involves interpersonal communication, because it is most interpersonal communication theory also applies to group communication.
Classification and characteristics of group communication.
Here are some of the classification and characteristics of communication, according to experts:
v primary and secondary groups.
Charles Horton Cooley in 1909 (in Jalaludin Grace, 1994) says that the primary group is a group whose members relate intimate, personal, and touching in the association and cooperation. While the secondary group is a group whose members are related not familiar, not personal, and do not touch our hearts.
Jalaludin Grace distinguishes this group is based on the characteristics of the communication:
Ø The quality of communication in the primary group is deep and widespread. In, meaning that penetrates most hidden personality, revealing backstage elements (behavior that we are putting in a private setting only). Widespread, meaning that very few constraints that determine the range and how to communicate. In the secondary groups are shallow and limited communication.
Ø Communication primary group more emphasis on relationships rather than the content aspect, while the primary group is the opposite.
Ø Communication primary groups tend informal, while the formal secondary group.
Ø Communication in the primary group are personal, while the secondary group nonpersonal.
Ø Communication primary groups tend expressive, while the secondary group instrumental.
v Group membership and reference group.
Theodore Newcomb (1930) gave birth to the term group membership (membership group) and the reference group (reference group). Group membership is a group whose members are administratively and physically become a member of that group. While the reference group is the group that is used as a measuring tool (standard) to assess themselves or to shape attitudes. According to the theory, a reference group has three functions: a comparative function, normative function, and the function of perspective.

v Group descriptive and prescriptive group
John F. Cragan and David W. Wright (1980) divide into two groups: descriptive and peskriptif. Category descriptive look natural process of group formation. Based on the purpose, size, and pattern of communication, descriptive divided into three groups:
· Group assignment.
· Group meetings.
· Wake-group.
Task group aims to solve the problem, such as heart transplantation, or designing political campaigns. Group meetings are a group of people who make themselves as the main event. Group therapy in a psychiatric hospital is an example of a group meeting. Wake-group has the main task of creating a new political and social identity.
Prescriptive group, referring to the steps that must be taken each member of the group to achieve group goals. Cragan and Wright categorize groups of six prescriptive format, namely: round table discussions, symposiums, panel discussions, forums, colloquia, and parliamentary procedure.
Social Comparison Theory
We always compare ourselves with others and our group with another group. Things are compared to almost everything we have, ranging from social status, economic status, beauty, personality traits, and so on. The consequences of benchmarking is an assessment something better or worse than the others. Through social comparison we also realize our position in the eyes of others and society. Awareness of this position will not give birth to prejudice if we judge other people have the same position relative to us. Prejudice born when people judge the striking difference (Myers, 1999). In a society whose members are so sharp differences in wealth tends to be very strong prejudice. Conversely, if a relatively similar socioeconomic status are less strong prejudice.
The sociologist says that prejudice and discrimination are the result of social stratification based on the distribution of power, status, and wealth is not balanced between the groups opposing (Manger, 1991). In a society that is structured in a strict stratification, the dominant group can use their power to impose ideologies that justify discriminatory practices to maintain their advantageous position within a social group. This makes the dominant group prejudiced against those who assessed can shake their confidence. While the group that dominated even prejudiced against the dominant group because anxiety will be exploited.
Social Comparison Theory (Comoarison Social Theory)
Social comparison theory or approach suggests that the acts of communication within the group took place because of the needs of the individual to compare the attitudes, opinions and abilities with other individuals. In view of this social comparison theory, the pressure a person to communicate with other group members will be increased, if it appears disapproval associated * with an event or events, that the increased level of importance of the event and if the relationship is in a group (group cohesivenes) also showed an increase.
In addition, after a group decision is made, the group members will communicate to obtain information that supports or make individuals in the group feel more happy with the decision made tersebut.Teori social comparison is attempted to be able to explain how the communication acts of the members increased or penuruanan group.
Personality Theory Group (Group Syntality Theory)
Personality theory is the study of group interaction on the basis of personality dimensions and dynamics of the group. Dimensions group refers to the characteristic of the population or individual characteristics such as age, of scholarship (intelligence), while the characteristic personality or an effect that allows the group to act as a whole, refers to the specific roles and status positions. Personality dynamics measured by what is called synergy, ie the level or degree of energy of each individual who brought the group to be used in carrying out the goals of the group. Many of synergy or group energy should be devoted toward maintaining harmony and cohesiveness of the group.

Conversation Theory Group (Group Achievement Theory)
Theory conversation group is related to the productivity of the group or efforts to achieve it through checkpoints input from members (member input), intermediate variables (mediating variables), and the output of the group (group output). Input or input from members of the group can be identified as behavior, interactions and expectations (expectation) that is individualized. While the intermediate variables refer to formal structures and structural role of groups such as status, norms, and goals of the group.
What is meant by the output of the group is the achievement or accomplishment of a task or group goals. The productivity of a group can be explained by the consequences of behavior, interaction and expectations through the group structure. In other words, behavior, interactions and expectations (input variables) leads to the formal structure and the structure of the role (mediating variables) otherwise this variable leads to productivity, morale and cohesion (group achievement).

Social Exchange Theory (Socual Exchange Theory)
Social exchange theory is based on the premise that one can achieve an understanding of the complex nature of the group to examine the relationship between two people (Dydic relationship). A group considered for the collection of the relationship between the two participants. The formulation assumes that the human family interactions involving the exchange of goods and services, and that the cost (cost) and reward (reward) is understood in a situation that will be presented to obtain the response of individuals during social interaction.
If the perceived benefits are not sufficient or more than the cost, the group interaction will be terminated or individuals involved will change their behavior to protect anything in return they are looking for. Social exchange approach is important because it seeks to explain the phenomenon of groups within the scope of economic concepts and behaviors regarding the costs and benefits.

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