
Monday, 16 March 2015

Cyber Media

                                                                       PART I

                                                              1.1 Background

 This century, the development of communication technology continues to progress very rapidly. Whether we realize it or not, the development of communication technology has brought us to a new way of life, which is the era of practical and dynamic communication. If we compare it with the communication technology in a few years back, then we will see a very striking comparison in the world of communication transformation. This phenomenon is indirectly involved changing patterns of human life.
Cyber ​​Media is part of the development of communication technology. Cyber ​​Media melahirhan much of an impact in people's lives. Just like an innovation, the impact of which was born would have two sides, namely the negative and positive. The positive impact of cyber media in human life, among others, is able to deliver the news that up to date and sustainable, as well as enhance the presentation of news conventional media by combining video, text, and images. Cyber ​​Media is also able to make people not only as consumers of news, but also able to make the cyber media community as a manufacturer and distributor of media. In this case often known as citizen journalism. This phenomenon is of course never existed in the conventional media.
But in addition to the positive impact, cyber media were also present negative impact. Negative impacts of particular concern is, the birth of cyber crime (crime in cyberspace). There are many types of cyber crime in cyberspace and cyber crime in Indonesia has led to an alarming level. Yet this should not have happened if the intelligent man in menganggapi variety of technological developments. Cyber ​​crime is proved to us that, humans are often caught in the shackles of technological development.Formulation Of The Problem1) The extent to which the development of communication technology today?2) How can the application of the Act ITE in dealing with cybercrime?3) What are the factors that led to the birth of cyber crime in the virtual world?The Purpose1) Find out more about the development of communication technology in Indonesia2) Study the EIT Law as a rule in cyberspace3) Knowing the solution to the problems of cyber crime in Indonesia

                                                                     CHAPTER II                                                                     DISCUSSIONThe development of Cyber ​​MediaIn the era of communication technology is already global, almost all people in the world turned to the communication technology that has the speed and efficient way to get information. Even today's communications technology has become a key element in everyday life means that people can not be separated from the communication technology that is a container resources they deem important. Communication many kinds, including the presence of Akoptika Communication (Communication that uses acoustics (sound)), Graphic Communication (Communication using molding tools), Communication Electronics (communication using electronic devices or telecommunication devices), and the latter type of communication emerging is Cyber ​​Communication (communication using the internet as a communication tool).Cyber ​​Communications (Cyber ​​Communication) we can feel anywhere and anytime. Even today we do not even need to use a PC (Personal Computer) to communicate over the Internet as through mobile communication (Mobile Communications) as Mobile we were able to communicate with anyone, anywhere, and at any time via the Internet. Inside and outside the country such as Indonesia, Japan and Finland, people who use mobile phones much more than using a landline. This is because many existing applications in mobile phones such as being able to communicate via phone, SMS, 3G, and even had a lot of mobile phones that have features to facilitate the owner of the account in cyberspace or cyber can communicate (using the Internet) such as chat and e-mail.Lots of the people and companies at home and abroad who use Cyber ​​Communication systems in providing information to the public, which is also an impact on the world of Journalism in Indonesia, such as the presence of that dealt with seriously to be online media in dated July 9, 1998,,, and others. This makes information search becomes more active in seeking even consume information available, due to information presented in cyber-communication can be updated in a matter of minutes even seconds differently once more conventional communication media have to wait some time to find out further information . With the Computer, Laptop, Blackberry, Ipad, I-phone, and Mobile GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) or the new communication technologies are certainly no more internet media to make people become more fussy again in the use of cyber communication in communicating.Unlike in foreign countries like America who use cyber communication as all aspects of their facilities, if in Indonesia, almost all of the people using it but there are some also who can not use cyber communication, or even do not know. In the United States the development of cyberspace is already very advanced. With the growing cyber-communication certainly not the only positive thing to be included in this communication cyber element, of course there is also the negative things that told we must remain cautious in using the internet today. Hence the idea of ​​a cyber law which is a law in cyberspace, can be said that in other countries such as US, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and other European countries that have Cyber ​​law to protect the public and the State of cybercrime already highly organized and developed, while the development of Cyber ​​law in Indonesia itself can not be said forward, because the use of the internet has not been evenly distributed throughout Indonesia.With the internet can make us to communicate with anyone in the world geographically distinct and also time, without separation distance. Time is what is called Social Media Online. Cyber ​​media both inside and outside the country has mushroomed, day by day, time change when there is only the addition of tools (media) such cyber communication with which is a social online media in 2002 which was well received by the public, especially Indonesian young people. Then comes and microblogging services are booming in 2009, then the existence of e-mail, G-mail, blogger, yahoo messenger, Windows Live (MSN), Google, AIM, GTalk (Google Talk), skype , ICQ, Hyves, My Space, and many other cyber communication media. In online social media is a cyber-communication media to get the attention of users. This has changed the pattern of people's social interactions become cyber community (Cyber ​​Community). So, do not be surprised if people are more likely to use a virtual communication than face to face communication to interact with relatives and friends because the device for unlimited access.Not only to obtain information only, we were also able to provide information to the public and even we can also ask for support in terms of politics, such as US President Barack Obama to win the election through facebook and twitter accounts. Social media and online (cyber communication) not only can influence political developments, but also in economic terms even education. In economic terms in accordance with the times we also can open an online store through online media (cyber comm.) That sells a wide range of goods and services without the need for land and also consumers do not bother to come to the destination. In terms of education for example, just have a lot of college students do not need to come to campus but now many are using online media (cyber comm) called e-learning. And all of this has been applied at home and abroad.
2.2 Impact of Cyber ​​Media in Human Life
The development of the media in recent times very rapidly. These technologies are increasingly sophisticated a great influence in the world of communication today. Media who become 'icons' of modern media and the most influential is the Internet media and popular technologies such as smart-phones.
As we know, the smart-phone memilliki fans and users are more and more Indonesian. Mobile phone has to innovate not only as a means of voice communication, but already has advanced features that allow us to communicate quickly and access the internet. Rates are given even more affordable. Communication was mengadi more practical, more easily once the information is obtained. Community also seemed to not be separated from the need for information from the media every day. People have become very sensitive information, not only general information or information you want reported, but this time very modern media allows people to find their own information needs.In any case, surely has a positive and negative effect. Similarly, the modern media. Online media has brought humans into new patterns of communication. Internet media in the smart-phone is already very common in Indonesian society today, especially urban communities. Internet, gadgets, smart-phones, it was as a compulsory item and daily needs of modern man. This is because today's technology allows us to connect with anyone, anywhere and anytime. In fact, not only that, the need to always be up-to-date on any information provided by these technologies. This is the most obvious form and significant in the development of modern media. The advantage of course very much, especially for people who have high levels of education, mobility, higher social status, certainly are in need of information through this medium. In addition to the development of modern media, education, knowledge society, and social life of the people of Indonesia is also growing. The shape of this modernization will provide a major influence for the nation, both positive and negative.The information obtained is very easy indeed provide more knowledge to the users. But sometimes the information is even a detrimental effect (due to the vast information and perspectives of people who can not control). For example, many perceived misinformation can lead to things like social behavior deviation, for example changing into a hedonistic lifestyle (modern lifestyle which is rife shown by the media in which pleasure and luxury are the main thing), unholy longer even be an atheist (as humans are affected by the new modern teachings), cyber-crime (crime in the virtual world with Internet media can have a major impact in the real world), and some morality or psychological aberrations.I will raise a few examples of the negative effects of modern media consumption. For example, at the point where the media affect people's lifestyles. Media now, fine print, TV, or online, often provide content that spoil khalayan community, such as a life of luxury and extravagance, promiscuity ala "the West", and others. The media is now very rarely provide educational content, and community members are more than happy with the content of modern life.The media also provide new insights, principles, beliefs, and a new culture that is contrary to what our country have. The views, principles, beliefs, and cultures are affected modernization, more and keep the personality and identity of the native country of Indonesia, especially the identity of the state of religion, morality, dignity, and has a conservative norms and simple lifestyle is getting forgotten.Not only that, modern media and supported by advanced technology and adequate, also provoke proliferation of cyber-crime, moral and psychological aberrations, also other harmful effects. A case in point is the case that is currently rampant in the Indonesian media, namely the case of porn videos "similar artists" widespread and very quickly via the Internet, Blackberry Instant Messenger, Twitter, Blog, and others. It is one of the most horrendous cases in Indonesia at this time, even until reported by international media such as CNN on its website. This proves how modern media can very quickly deploy an issue, and although at the start of the virtual world, can be a very big impact in the real world. As if the virtual world and the real world are united and can not be separated again. The virtual world is no longer just be a world of 'virtual', but connected with the real world. The influence of the media can not be separated from these changes.Morality and psychological aberrations, also influenced the modern media. For example, the presence of the people who prefer to socialize in cyberspace, rather than the real world. They are more active in front of the laptop / gadgets / blackberry them, rather than communicating with real people around them. In fact there were sitting close together, but instead communicate through their Blackberry, or other messenger. A psychological relationships, familiarity can even be created through the media. Of course this never imagined by our ancestors. The existence of technology and media as it also affects human behavior in the real world. Some good, but some are not even very good.Then how should we deal with this situation, considering we also can not be separated by the media in the lives of these more advanced? Maybe we should have to remain aware of concrete things in life, such as relationships in the real world, direct communication, has principles and beliefs, and have the knowledge to make wise and limit yourself on the influences that exist. Not because of the rise of modern media, we forget the natural human nature to communicate directly with our environment. The media is going to always create the agenda-setting for every thing, it sounds dangerous media, but the media is also an important thing in everyday life. It's just that we just need to be wise in its use.

2.3.Cyber ​​Media as container Birth of Cyber ​​Crime
Cyber ​​Crime in Indonesian case, has become an increasingly interesting conversation. More and more cases of cyber crime requires more powerful computer security to keep them legal. As an example the case of some government-owned websites successfully destroyed by hackers or ATM burglary case some time ago became one of the cases of cyber crime. In some literature, cyber crime is often identified as a computer crime. JAKARTA, said that, the number of cases of cyber crime or crimes in cyberspace is happening in Indonesia is the highest in the world.Here are some understanding of cyber crime include:

The US Department of Justice Computer Crime give understanding as "any illegal act requiring knowledge of Computer technology for its perpetration, investigation, or prosecution".
Organization of the European Community Development, namely: "any illegal, unethical or unauthorized behavior Relating to the automatic processing and / or the transmission of the data".
Andi Hamzah in his book "Aspects of Computer Crime in the Field" (1989) defines cyber crime as a crime in the field of computers in general can be interpreted as the use of computers illegally.
Eoghan Casey "Cybercrime is used throughout this text to refer to any crime that Involves computers and networks, Including crimes that do not Rely heavily on computer".

From the above definition, it can be concluded that, cyber crime are forms of crime caused by the use of technology internet.Atau can be said that cyber crime as an unlawful act committed with the use of the internet based on the sophistication of computer technology and telecommunications.

Based on the types of activities done, cybercrime can be classified into several types as follows:1. Unauthozied Access
Is a crime that occurs when someone enters or breaking into a computer network system illegally, without permission, or without the knowledge of the owner of the computer network system that entered. Probing and port is an example of this crime.2. Illegal Contents
Kejahatn is done by entering the data or information to the internet on a matter that is not true, unethical, and may be unlawful or disturbing public order, for example, is the spread of pornography.3. Spread of Viruses In Accidentally
The spread of the virus is usually done by using email. Often people are exposed to the virus email system is not aware of this. The virus is then transmitted to another place via email.4. Data Forgery
This type of crime is done with the intention of falsifying data on important documents on the Internet. These documents are usually owned by the institution or organization that has a web-based site database.5. Sabotage & Extortion
Sabotage and Extortion is the type of crime committed by creating a disturbance, destruction or destruction of the data, a computer program or computer network system that is connected to the Internet.6. CYBERSTALKING
This type of crime is done to annoy or harass someone by using a computer, such as using e-mail and be done repeatedly. The crime resembles terror directed against a person by utilizing the internet. It can happen because of the ease in making a particular email address without having to include the actual identity.7. Hacking & Cracker
The term hacker usually refers to someone who had a great interest in learning computer system in detail and how to improve its capabilities. As for those who often commit acts of vandalism on the internet usually called cracker. Arguably this cracker is actually a hacker who utilizes his ability to negative things. Cracking activity on the Internet has a very wide scope, ranging from hijacking other people's accounts, piracy websites, probing, spread the virus, to incapacitate the target. The latter action as a DoS (Denial of Service). Dos attack is an attack aimed at paralyzing the target (hangs, crashes) and so can not provide the service.8. Hijacking
Hijacking is a crime of hijacking other people's work. The most common is Software Piracy (software piracy).The act of cyber crime in the virtual world inevitably also require the establishment of the rule of law for the activities we do in virtual Duni. Although there are no specific rules on cyber crime, but the Law of Electronic Transaction Information also impose limits and legal action for criminals who harm in cyberspace. Fill UU ITE is as follows:Act No. 11 of 2008 on the Internet and Electronic Transactions,1. Article 2This law applies to any person who has committed the law as set forth in this Act, both of which are in the jurisdiction of Indonesia and outside the jurisdiction of Indonesia, which has the effect of law in the jurisdiction in Indonesia and / or outside the jurisdiction of Indonesia and harm the interests of Indonesia.2. Article 9Entrepreneurs who offer products through the Electronic System must provide complete and correct information related to contract terms, manufacturers, and products offered.3. Article 10(1) Every business operators who organize Electronic Transactions can be certified by the Certification Body Reliability.(2) The provisions concerning the establishment Reliability Certification Agency referred to in paragraph (1) is regulated by the Government.4. Article 18(1) Electronic Transactions are poured into the Electronic Contract binding on the parties.(2) The party has the authority to choose the law applicable to international Electronic Transactions made.(3) If the parties do not make a choice in Electronic Transactions international law, the applicable law is based on the principles of International Law.(4) The party has the authority to establish the forum court, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution institutions authorized to handle disputes that may arise from international Electronic Transactions made.(5) If the parties do not make choice of the forum referred to in paragraph (4), the determination of the court authority, arbitration, or other alternative dispute resolution institutions authorized to handle disputes that may arise from the transaction, based on the principles of International Law5. Article 20(1) Unless otherwise stipulated by the parties, the Electronic Transactions occurred during the transaction offers sent Sender Receiver has been received and approved.(2) Approval of the offer electronic transaction referred to in subsection (1) must be made with the declaration of acceptance electronically.6. Article 21(1) The sender or receiver can perform its own Electronic Transactions, through the authorized person by him, or through the Electronic Agent.(2) Person who is responsible for all legal consequences in the implementation of the Electronic Transactions referred to in paragraph (1) shall be as follows:a. if done alone, all legal consequences in the implementation of the Electronic Transactions become the responsibility of the parties to the transaction;b. if it is done through the provision of power, all legal consequences in the implementation of the Electronic Transactions become the responsibility of the authority; orc. if done through Electronic Agent, all legal consequences in the implementation of the responsibility of the Electronic Transaction Agent Electronic organizers.(3) If the loss due to failed operation of the Electronic Transactions Electronic Agent due to actions of third parties directly to the Electronic Systems, all legal consequences are the responsibility of the organizers of Electronic Agent.(4) If the loss due to failed operation of the Electronic Transactions Electronic Agent due to the negligence of the service users, all legal consequences are the responsibility of service users.(5) The provisions referred to in paragraph (2) shall not apply in the case can be proved the occurrence of force majeure, error and / or omission of the Electronic System users.7. Article 22(1) The specific Electronics Agents must provide features on the operation of the Electronic Agent allows users to make changes to the information that is still in the process of the transaction.(2) Further provisions on certain organizers Electronic Agent referred to in paragraph (1) is regulated by the Government.8. Article 30(1) Any person knowingly and without authority or unlawfully accessing computer and / or Electronic Systems belonging to another person in any way.(2) Any person knowingly and without authority or unlawfully accessing computer and / or Electronic Systems in any way with the aim of obtaining Electronic Information and / or Electronic Document.(3) Any person knowingly and without authority or unlawfully accessing computer and / or Electronic Systems in any way to violate, break through, beyond, or to break the security system.9. Article 46(1) Every person who meets the elements referred to in Article 30 paragraph (1) shall be punished with imprisonment of six (6) years and / or a fine of not more Rp600.000.000,00 (six hundred million dollars).(2) Every person who meets the elements referred to in Article 30 paragraph (2) shall be punished with imprisonment of 7 (seven) years and / or a fine of not more Rp700.000.000,00 (seven hundred million dollars).(3) Any person who meets the elements referred to in Article 30 paragraph (3) shall be punished with imprisonment of 8 (eight) years and / or a fine of not more Rp800.000.000,00 (eight hundred million dollars).

Formation of legislation in the cyber world stem from people's desire to get security, justice and the rule of law. As a rule of law will be cyberlaw cyber or general preventive measures or general prevention to deter would-be criminals who intend to damage the image of Indonesia where the information technology business world Indonesian and international business association.
Law enforcement in Indonesia have difficulty in dealing with the spread of cybercrime in particular e-commerce crime. Many factors are an obstacle, therefore, law enforcement officials must really dig, interpret positive laws that exist today that can be used against the perpetrators of e-commerce.

                                                                          CHAPTER III                                                                           CLOSING3.1.Kesimpulan· Cyber ​​Media is part of the development of communication technology that uses the internet.· Cyber ​​Media is a renewal of the conventional media.· Communication many kinds, including the presence of Akoptika Communication (Communication that uses acoustics (sound)), Graphic Communication (Communication using molding tools), Communication Electronics (communication using electronic devices or telecommunication devices), and the latter type developing communication is Cyber ​​Communication (communication using the internet as a communication tool).· The rapid exchange of information is an excess of cyber media.· Cyber ​​crime is a term of crimes committed through cyberspace.· The types of cyber crime, among others Unauthozied Access, Illegal Contents, Spreading Viruses In Accidentally, Data Forgery, Sabotage & Extortion, CYBERSTALKING, Hacking & Cracker, and hijacking.

The rules in cyberspace regulated in Law Number 11 Year 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions.

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