
Friday, 6 March 2015

Here's How to Write News For Beginners Journalists

I finally found a fitting reference for learning to write news reporter beginners. Despite the fact there are many other references that can be searched in google  For those who have had difficulty writing the news, it is not enough just memahani 5 W + 1 H and an inverted pyramid. Writing exercises continue to occur is a natural way to improve the quality of the writing.

Tips for journalists basic journalistic beginners: how to write a good news for the newspaper
# 1: Writing honestly.

The fact should not be twisted. Opinions and interpretations should be written in a different paragraph. It may not be neutral, but it must be independent.

Lying in the news is the most serious sin reporters. If the number of NGO activists protest outside the regents only dozens of people, do not write hundreds or thousands of people. Hoax like this very often appear in local newspapers, especially regarding the coverage of the elections.

If you need to write an interpretation of a fact, write them in a separate paragraph, and show clearly to the reader so that they know where the facts and opinions or interpretations which the journalist.
Reporters covering news in the field should be independent of all parties related to the topic of writing. Provide equal opportunity for all speakers to explain their version, do not convict the truth. Journalists should not neutral, for example if I have to side with the people who are victims of oppression ruler, but should always be independent by providing the opportunity for the authorities to speak.

# 2: Punctuation and patterns pyramid inverted commas.

Be careful using a comma. If misplacement, the editor in the editorial office can one understand your report. "Amir hit, Budi arrested by police" (which hit was the Amir, why even Budi arrested) is a different meaning to "Amir beat Budi, was arrested by police" (this is true, those arrested was Amir).
Write regular news must be in inverted pyramid format. The most important at the top; paragraphs under increasingly less important. I often read the local newspaper report that contains the names of officials who attended a ceremonial event on the second or third paragraph, when the core is precisely in the fifth paragraph of the story or even towards the end.

# 3: Write down the details. Listen carefully. Record, do not rely on memory

I often see a new newspaper reporter a few years working conduct interviews or news coverage on the ground with no record at all! Man with a super brain! Even just sitting in a coffee shop with a distance of a hundred meters from the location of the demo or ceremonial event which will be the topic of the news. But after covering, he can casually write news in a computer cafe, without the slightest fear that there may be data and the fact that one-write.
Reporters beginners often embarrassed to ask, "Mr. Head, correct spelling of the name of Mr. Jhonny or Johnny or what?"
If the speaker spoke the words with double meanings or unclear, ask again and confirm. Do not let what he meant was "The police will not be checking him" but you wrote in the news as "The police are not going to check him".

 # 4: Write in clear sentences, complete, and clear.

Editor of the daily newspaper will let the script written news reporter with a confusing sentence, because he is a deadline finish pages. If you write crime news about stealing, then specify clearly stole WHO, WHO who are victims, and the APA were stolen. Do you even fun writing HOW theft occurred, or call the police chief for residents to patrol the night.
The most fundamental in a regular news is WHAT and WHO, then WHERE, WHEN and others. Do not write "According to Amir, blah-blah-blah ..." without you please tell me who was the Amir; whether he demonstrators, spectators demonstrations, or party supporters protested.
Often I see newspaper readers grumbling, "What do you mean this news is not clear." The news must be written with a clear sentence. Arrange single sentences, and as much as possible avoid using the phrase if it has the potential to make the reader confused.

 # 5: Focus on news topics. Do not be widened to here and there.

Since the cover and field interviews, newspaper reporter should already know what the topic or viewpoint report. When you choose the "fate of the small wage part time teachers", then you see the parties related to the issue. In addition to interviews with teachers, ask also the principal, Education Department officials, legislators from the committee for education, a retired teacher, etc. Do not even you only quote comment NGO activists because he got a new brother-contract terminated as part-time teachers.
 If for example you are upset to see an official who likes berindehoi in the cafes at night, then it is specifically Cover and do not slip on the news the other topic, "Asked about the alleged corruption of his staff, the Head of Service is often a disco in this Blue Tent says ...." Too appear 'time was given an envelope. Shame we as journalists.

 # 6: Write a proportionally, do not overdo it.

This weakness many newspaper reporter in the area. The fact that diaperoleh of his sources, say prosecutors, is that the Head of General under investigation related to the alleged inflation of funds to purchase sheets and curtains regent's official residence. But then he wrote in news "North Tapanuli nest of corruption". If you want to write news North Tapanuli as a hotbed of corruption, then expose the many cases of data corruption in the region.

There is a newspaper reporter wrote a story "By answering telephone Subdistrict arrogant that ..." just because the speakers spoke curtly-snapped.

Instead another reporter who just got a thick envelope of official news sent the manuscript to the editorial "Regent's very loved by his people say ...," when the regents recently named as a suspect corruption and residents protested several times.

 # 7: Check the sentence quotations, statements off the record, confirmation, and "speech at the coffee shop".

Do not let your story has a gap to be sued in court. If you had to write the sentence immediately, then write it as it is spoken by the speaker. When he spoke the words in the local language, for example Batak language, examine when translating into Indonesian.

When viewing a note or hear the recorded interview, if you are confused or forget which part is a statement of information off the record (not to be written) and what is not, postpone wrote part of it before successfully questioned back in the news sources.

Person A man accused B. Do you already did confirm on the B? If not, do not always write the news. Even if they had, for some reason, such as deadlines or the attractiveness factor news topics, then samarkanlah total identity of B. If the A accuse the B in the three cases, the confirmation should not be only about one thing.
Newspaper reporters sitting around relaxing with officials and politicians in the coffee shop, and there was an officer who made the comments interesting, then the reporter quoted the last sentence in the story by writing the name of the officer. Do not do that here. You have to go back to see the officials to ask for permission if the sentence you quoted to be in the news.

 # 8: Finally, and this is very basic: Obey the journalistic code of ethics that prohibits journalists commit plagiarism or plagiarized.

Do not think that if you quote a few sentences news from other newspapers, or adapt material from the Internet, then it will not get caught. Believe me, sooner or later there will be readers who complain and present it to your editorial office. If so, you've journalism career are at stake. Your editor will warn, warn to publish your news report, and other newspapers will think hard to accept applications from journalists artisan trace

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