Human relations
techniques there are 4 kinds of techniques, namely:
1. Social action.
1. Social action.
2.Social contacts. communication communication
4.The theory of human relations
Social Actions
Not all human action is expressed as actions sosial.Suatu new action is declared as a social action when the subject is associated with individuals lain.Menurut Max Weber, social action is the act of an individual who can affect other individuals within it can also be said masyarakat.Selain that social action is the action taken by the actors into account the presence of others.
Basically, social action can be divided into four kinds of views of the way and the objective is performed, namely:
A. Social Actions Rational Instrumental, namely:
Actions performed by calculating the correspondence between the means used with the objective to this dicapai.Dalam actors actors take into account the efficiency and effectiveness of a number of courses of action within the meaning of this action is based on the goals and objectives that are considered mature achieved in a way that also has taken into account.
Example: Krystal decided to buy textbooks instead of buying the tabloids
B. Social Action Oriented Rational Value (Irrational), namely:
Actions taken by taking into account aspects of the benefits associated with the basic values of society, while the objectives are not considered.
Example: Worshipping in religion
C. Traditional measures, namely:
Actions that do not take into consideration both the purpose and rational way done but only by considerations habits or customs that have been prevailing in the society.
Example: Respect for elders, traditional ceremonies Implement
D. Affective measures, namely:
Actions which largely controlled by feelings or emotions without reasonable consideration budi.Seringkali these actions are taken without careful planning and without full awareness.
Example: Tiffany cried when diputusin girlfriend
2. Social Contacts
Said contacts (English: contact) is derived from the Latin "con" or "cum" which means together and Tangere word which means touch. So social contact means equally menyentuh.Sebagai social phenomena, social contacts do not mean to be always in contact physically, but may be related, face, or face to face individual or kelompok.Individu antaradua person or group of conveying a message in the form of action has a specific purpose for the pelaku.Sebaliknya other individuals or groups will react to respond to messages tadi.Wujud a message can be a movement or gesture certain limbs that have a symbol or meaning as nods, winks, smiles and hand gestures.
Not all human action is expressed as actions sosial.Suatu new action is declared as a social action when the subject is associated with individuals lain.Menurut Max Weber, social action is the act of an individual who can affect other individuals within it can also be said masyarakat.Selain that social action is the action taken by the actors into account the presence of others.
Basically, social action can be divided into four kinds of views of the way and the objective is performed, namely:
A. Social Actions Rational Instrumental, namely:
Actions performed by calculating the correspondence between the means used with the objective to this dicapai.Dalam actors actors take into account the efficiency and effectiveness of a number of courses of action within the meaning of this action is based on the goals and objectives that are considered mature achieved in a way that also has taken into account.
Example: Krystal decided to buy textbooks instead of buying the tabloids
B. Social Action Oriented Rational Value (Irrational), namely:
Actions taken by taking into account aspects of the benefits associated with the basic values of society, while the objectives are not considered.
Example: Worshipping in religion
C. Traditional measures, namely:
Actions that do not take into consideration both the purpose and rational way done but only by considerations habits or customs that have been prevailing in the society.
Example: Respect for elders, traditional ceremonies Implement
D. Affective measures, namely:
Actions which largely controlled by feelings or emotions without reasonable consideration budi.Seringkali these actions are taken without careful planning and without full awareness.
Example: Tiffany cried when diputusin girlfriend
2. Social Contacts
Said contacts (English: contact) is derived from the Latin "con" or "cum" which means together and Tangere word which means touch. So social contact means equally menyentuh.Sebagai social phenomena, social contacts do not mean to be always in contact physically, but may be related, face, or face to face individual or kelompok.Individu antaradua person or group of conveying a message in the form of action has a specific purpose for the pelaku.Sebaliknya other individuals or groups will react to respond to messages tadi.Wujud a message can be a movement or gesture certain limbs that have a symbol or meaning as nods, winks, smiles and hand gestures.
Kinds of social
contacts are:
A. Social Contacts by Way or Method
v Contact Social Primer: on social contact involves at least two people to each give and receive information.
Social Contacts v Secondary: in social contact involves at least two people to use tools (media communication) for example: telephone, mail etc.
B. Social Contacts by Number of Performers
v Social contacts between individuals: interpersonal social contacts with private internal use tersebut.misalnya: greet, shake hands
Social Contacts v Inter Group: Social contacts do with together and involve many people .misalnya: playing volleyball
v Social Contacts Antarkomunal and Individuals
3. Social Communications
Communication comes from the Latin "comunicare" which means berhubungan.Jadi Communication means relating to or associate with social contacts lain.Pada understanding more emphasis on people or groups interact, while communication is more emphasis on how the message it can be concluded that diproses.Jadi kounikasi means penyampain message from the communicator to the communicant, both directly and through social media.Kontak can occur in the absence of communication but without communication between social con not mean anything in the social interaction because each party can not understand the meaning and feeling of each individual msing .
Example: kibum Minho told about the problem, and kibum will get a solution of Minho, Minho may be able to help the problems faced kibum
4. The theory of human relations
Humans are social creatures, meaning that humans will just be what and who depend, along with others. Humans can not live alone, because if he is not alone "becomes" human. In social life, humans occupied various functions. On the one hand he became men, but on the other hand he is a leader. On the one hand he is the father or mother, but on the other hand he was a child. On the one hand he is a brother, but on the other hand he was younger.
In human relationships, there are three theories, namely:
Transaction Theory (Social Exchange Model)
Human Relations (Human Intergovernmental Relations) took place following the rules of transactional, ie whether the respective felt gain in the transaction or even a loss. If you feel gain then it certainly smooth relationship, but if you feel a loss then the relationship will be disturbed, broken, or even turned into hostility
Example: Onew want to buy mobile phones that cost 2jt, and turns on only 1,8jt Sun mobile phone prices in Solo Grand Mall 2.1 jt, of course, the Onew choose to buy mobile phones in the Sun because the price is cheaper.
Role Theory
Existing social interaction scenarios by society that govern what and how the role of each person in the interaction. If a person adhere to the scenario, then life will be harmony, but if it violates the scenario, then he will be booed by the audience and the director reprimanded. And in this case it is society as a spectator and as well as director of life
Example: a student was given the task by the lecturer, and he will certainly do a great value and in love faculty, and students who do not will not be given the value and somewhat in sebelin lecturer.
Game Theory
Clarification of man is divided into three, namely children, adults, and the elderly. Each individual has unique properties. The children are spoiled, do not understand the responsibility. While an adult, he bluntly and aware of its responsibilities. As parents, it is more able to understand and excuse the errors of others. No one feels strange to see a small child crying rolled when asked snacks are not met, but one would be surprised if there are parents who are still youthful kanakan.Suasana household is also determined by how well suited adults and older people with attitudes and behaviors which should ditunjukkan.Jika not then the atmosphere is definitely worse. Likewise, the relationship between the center and the regions, between superiors and subordinates. Government officials must necessarily be mature, President and Chairman of the Assembly must necessarily be a parent.
Example: Taemin has 2 sisters and Taemin is a big brother of her sisters then the Taemin should be able to guide, to give an example, is responsible, so that one day her sister not be naughty, naughty eg hawker asked to roll-roll.
A. Social Contacts by Way or Method
v Contact Social Primer: on social contact involves at least two people to each give and receive information.
Social Contacts v Secondary: in social contact involves at least two people to use tools (media communication) for example: telephone, mail etc.
B. Social Contacts by Number of Performers
v Social contacts between individuals: interpersonal social contacts with private internal use tersebut.misalnya: greet, shake hands
Social Contacts v Inter Group: Social contacts do with together and involve many people .misalnya: playing volleyball
v Social Contacts Antarkomunal and Individuals
3. Social Communications
Communication comes from the Latin "comunicare" which means berhubungan.Jadi Communication means relating to or associate with social contacts lain.Pada understanding more emphasis on people or groups interact, while communication is more emphasis on how the message it can be concluded that diproses.Jadi kounikasi means penyampain message from the communicator to the communicant, both directly and through social media.Kontak can occur in the absence of communication but without communication between social con not mean anything in the social interaction because each party can not understand the meaning and feeling of each individual msing .
Example: kibum Minho told about the problem, and kibum will get a solution of Minho, Minho may be able to help the problems faced kibum
4. The theory of human relations
Humans are social creatures, meaning that humans will just be what and who depend, along with others. Humans can not live alone, because if he is not alone "becomes" human. In social life, humans occupied various functions. On the one hand he became men, but on the other hand he is a leader. On the one hand he is the father or mother, but on the other hand he was a child. On the one hand he is a brother, but on the other hand he was younger.
In human relationships, there are three theories, namely:
Transaction Theory (Social Exchange Model)
Human Relations (Human Intergovernmental Relations) took place following the rules of transactional, ie whether the respective felt gain in the transaction or even a loss. If you feel gain then it certainly smooth relationship, but if you feel a loss then the relationship will be disturbed, broken, or even turned into hostility
Example: Onew want to buy mobile phones that cost 2jt, and turns on only 1,8jt Sun mobile phone prices in Solo Grand Mall 2.1 jt, of course, the Onew choose to buy mobile phones in the Sun because the price is cheaper.
Role Theory
Existing social interaction scenarios by society that govern what and how the role of each person in the interaction. If a person adhere to the scenario, then life will be harmony, but if it violates the scenario, then he will be booed by the audience and the director reprimanded. And in this case it is society as a spectator and as well as director of life
Example: a student was given the task by the lecturer, and he will certainly do a great value and in love faculty, and students who do not will not be given the value and somewhat in sebelin lecturer.
Game Theory
Clarification of man is divided into three, namely children, adults, and the elderly. Each individual has unique properties. The children are spoiled, do not understand the responsibility. While an adult, he bluntly and aware of its responsibilities. As parents, it is more able to understand and excuse the errors of others. No one feels strange to see a small child crying rolled when asked snacks are not met, but one would be surprised if there are parents who are still youthful kanakan.Suasana household is also determined by how well suited adults and older people with attitudes and behaviors which should ditunjukkan.Jika not then the atmosphere is definitely worse. Likewise, the relationship between the center and the regions, between superiors and subordinates. Government officials must necessarily be mature, President and Chairman of the Assembly must necessarily be a parent.
Example: Taemin has 2 sisters and Taemin is a big brother of her sisters then the Taemin should be able to guide, to give an example, is responsible, so that one day her sister not be naughty, naughty eg hawker asked to roll-roll.
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