
Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Ramuan Agar tidak Hamil / Potion To Not Pregnant

Potion To Not Pregnant
 Sometimes certain disituasi pregnancy is expected, other hand, someone wanted pregnancies in delay even prevented. Many reasons corroborate that a pregnancy is prevented, such as the reason for not having children, still career, still in school, I was in college, rape cases (less than 3 days), missed pill monthly contraceptive (more than 2 days bertuirut- respectively), condoms loose or leaking, even because many children. Actually pregnancy can dijegah with modern kontrasespsi tool as well as birth control pills, Morning After Pill (pill Kondar) emergency contraception such as Ovral, POSTINOR-2 and PREVEN, can be by way of injection, IUD, or a vasectomy / tubal ligation, condoms, or issuing a sper * outside during intercourse. But this time I review the traditional medicine to prevent pregnancy. Contraceptive potion we affirm not herbs to abort, because an abortion is an act that violates moral norms, religion and government. Here are some of the traditional magic potion natural heritage to prevent pregnancy.

herb contraceptive

2 sticks turmeric along three centimeters of the little finger. *. Panggangah over low heat, keep the saffron was not until charred. *. After baking it for 2-3 minutes, until smooth tumbuklah Mix turmeric 1/4 teaspoon of salt, give water to one cup. Then squeeze then strain. *. Take water and then drink. *. Use herbs for 1 week, every morning and night, undoubtedly the youngest brother did not get anymore. Prevention of pregnancy potion (2). Betel leaves 2 pieces *. Powder 5 grams *. Turmeric 5 grams *. Key 5 grams *. Water whiting 1 tablespoon herb Manufacturing birth control is: *. Betel leaves, turmeric and finely ground into a single key. *. Given the hot water and then squeezed to obtain a liquid to 1 cup. *. Then enter the water whiting.How to use: Drink the morning before eating and before sexual intercourse. Do it 2-3 times a week. If'm longing to have children refrain from the use of this herb, herb dressing with fertilizer. Prevention of pregnancy potion (3) Young Pineapple since time immemorial is known as a natural material that can be used to prevent pregnancy. together with other ingredients young pineapple can be a powerful herb for preventing pregnancy. Materials needed: *. 1 young pineapple fruit *. Lemon 1 piece *. Betel leaves 20 grams *. 20 grams of black sticky tape *. Jenitri 5 grams *. Meeting wood 5 grams How to mix: *. First of all the betel leaf and wood jenitri meeting until finely ground. *. Pineapple and orange squeezed. *. After the collision results above ingredients are mixed with pineapple and orange juice.
How to use: Potion above in consumption along with black sticky tape on the day.

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