
Wednesday 25 March 2015

Spesialist obat pria / specialist medicine man

Specialist medicine man

wood akway

Indonesia is rich in potential for Herbal STRONG nutritious crops. Some aphrodisiac plants native to Indonesia which has the potential to be used as Herbal STRONG MAN is Sanrego and Wood Akway.

Potency Wood Akway as Herbal STRONG MEN can be seen from the Secret Obahorok head Dani Papua, capable of serving 40 wives, plus wife 1 bulenya of America apparently because the efficacy Wood Akway. Researcher at the Research Institute for Spices and Medicinal Plants (IMACRI), namely Dr. Ir. Nurliana Bermawie and Cahyaningsih, Agus Herdata of the Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor and M Shakir of Plantation Development Research Centre who are members of the research team Akway the Partnership Cooperation Program for Agricultural Research in Higher Education stating scientific research proves that Akway (Drymis sp) efficacious as an aphrodisiac. Red bark and aromatic able to increase testosterone levels and sexual arousal.

Technician Research Institute for Spices and Medicinal Plants, Henry Lukman tried to follow the advice traditional leader in Manokwari when about to leave in order to drink the potion Arfak Wood Akway. The result he was able to walk for 9 hours to high elevations Arfak stay fit, do not feel tired. His colleague, researchers IMACRI, Ir Budi Martono, then do not drink boiled Akway and only able to walk 4 hours, at an altitude of 600 meters above sea level, Budi finally down the mountain.

The use of Sanrego for Herbal tonic, as it is written in the book of Traditional Medicine Poster NO. 360 ISSUE November 1999, is told that a farmer in the village Sanrego Bone regency, South Sulawesi found marry digembalanya horse mares around it many times after it was found eating plants Sanrego. Out of curiosity the shepherd was trying to poach logs and exceptional Sanrego, stamina shepherd unusually strong. People who have experienced natural impotence for 5 years and the other for like "pocket" managed to recover thanks to drink boiled Wood Sanrego.

Efficacy of Herbal Sanrego for STRONG MAN has been investigated by several scholars, some of them Prof. Dr H. Muhsin Darise, M.Sc, Professor of Pharmacy UNHAS ITB 1974 graduate of S1, S2 and S3 Hiroshima University in Japan in the pharmaceutical field in 1981 and 1985. He said Wood Sanrego guaranteed to increase male sex drive.
Now, these two nutritious plant has now been compiled in Herbal products STRONG HERBAL SanregoPlus. Herbal STRONG MAN STRONG TRADITIONAL HERBAL SanregoPlus is in the form of the herb made from a combination of Sanrego Wood, Wood Akway, Tribulus extract, Pasak Bumi and usefulness Ginseng is famous as OBATKUAT to help adult men for durability in sexual activity, impotence and DRUG DRUG EARLY EJACULATION and can reproduce sperm. Drinking herbal completeness SanregoPlus the composition is also a way to reproduce sperm, the sperm motility healthy high.

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