
Monday, 2 March 2015



Scientific Writing (PI) which must be systematically arranged based on literature studies, field research / observation either directly or indirectly, or the result of an integrated practice. To maintain the quality of scholarly PI, then the preparation is guided by professors who act as mentors.1. Submission Procedure Making PI
Students are entitled to apply for the manufacture of scientific writing (PI) if it meets the following requirements:
1. Registered as a student in the semester (semseter 6) and taking courses in PI as one of the compulsory subjects.
2. Minimum already completed 75 credits and has passed the required courses.
3. Students will be supervised by a person who has been designated supervisor, for 6 times face to face class, with each 2 hour meeting, shall carry a book of guidance and fill the list of attendees every time guidance.
4. If the PI preparation is completed, the student can apply to the Assembly session PI.
C. Objectives PI
1. Purpose
The purpose of making the PI is to train students to be able to describe and discuss the scientific issues and then can write scientifically, theoretically, clearly and systematically according to the communication studies program, as one of the requirements for completing undergraduate education level (S1).
2. Content and Materials
The contents of PI is expected to meet the aspects below:
a. Relevant to the field of communication.
b. Having a clear formulation of the problem.
c. The problem is limited, specifically.
3. Language
PI is presented using Indonesian is good and right, in accordance with Indonesian Spelling Enhanced (EYD)
4. Data Collection and Research
1. Collection of data
To compile the PI, the student must have sufficient data and qualify objective, true, and weight.
1. Research
Research is an activity planned, directed, and controlled to obtain data or information about a problem and then analyzed using the scientific method.
1. Load and PI preparation time
This PI load is 2 credits, with the completion of the research and preparation time 1 semester.


Structure of Scientific Writing structure is as follows:
1. The Beginning
2. Introduction
3. Review of Literature / Basis Theory.
4. Research Methods
5. Results and Analysis / Discussion and Analysis
6. Conclusion (Conclusions and Recommendations)
7. The final section
1. The Beginning
Early part, consisting of:
- Title Page
Written in accordance with the standard front cover PI Gunadarma University (see example in the attachment).
- Validity Sheet
Written PI Title, Name, NPM, Session Date, Date Passed, and Signature Advisors, PI Coordinator, and Director.
- Statement Validity of Data and Research
- Abstraction
Contains a summary of the writing. Maximum 1 page.
- Preface
Of thanks to those who had a role in the conduct of research and PI (al Director, PI Coordinator, Supervisor, the Company (if any), parents, family, friends, etc.).
- Table Of Contents
- List Of Tables
- List of Figures If there
- Appendix List
2. Introduction
     Introduction to issues. Consists of:
- Background Of The Problem
Outlining why the writer to the selection of topics pertinent issues. The contents of the background issues among other curiosities, symptoms, and troubleshooting.
- Formulation and Limitation Problem
Formulate in detail the issues to be discussed in the research, as well as providing clear limits which parts of the problem are studied and which parts are not.
- Research Purposes
Describe the expected results of this study to provide an answer to the problem under study.
- Research Methods
Explain how the implementation of research activities, including collecting data, the tools used and how the data analysis.
Types of Research Methods:
a. Study Library: All material obtained from books and / or scientific journals.
b. Field of study: Data are taken directly at the sites.
c. Combined: Using a combination of the two methods above.
(If the writers do the Job Training, written reports by format PI).
3. Basis Theory
Outlining the theories that support the writing / research, which consists of the latest literature, relevant and original from scientific journals, studies that clearly raises the underlying ideas and research done and refer to the bibliography. And can be strengthened by showing the results of previous studies (if it ever studied).
4. Research Methodology
Explain how the implementation of research activities, the object of research, including how data collection, the tools used and how the data analysis.
5. Results and Analysis
- Company Overview (for students who do research / practical work in the company)
- Analysis and Discussion
Discusses the relationship between factors of the data obtained from the presenting problem then resolve the issue with the proposed method and analyze the process and results of problem solving.

6. Cover
     This chapter may consist of Conclusions and Recommendations.
- Conclusion
Contains the answer to the problem posed writer, obtained from the study.
- Suggestions
Addressed to related parties with respect to the results of research. Suggestions should be concrete, realistic, practical value and directional.
7. Final Part
- Bibliography
Contains a list of references (books, journals, magazines, websites, etc.), which are used in writing. Required reference book published last five years.
- Appendix
Additional explanation, can be descriptions, programs, drawings, calculations, charts, or tables, which is a detailed description of what was presented in the previous related sections.
- History of living composer PI
Compiled briefly.

1. Format Typing
- Using paper size kwarto 80 grams and not commute.
- Margin Above: 4 cm Down: 3 cm
Left: 4 cm Right: 3 cm
- Spacing: 1.5 (specifically Abstraction only 1 space). Direct quote, title, list of tables, and bibliography typed one space down.
- Typeface (font): Times New Roman.
- Size / variations letters: Title Chapter 14 / Thick + Uppercase
Fill 12 / Normal
Section 12 / Thickness

2. Chapter and section numbering
- Chapter numbered using Roman numerals.
- Section numbered using roman numbers with reference to the number of the chapter / section in which this section there.
I .......... (Title Chapter)
1.1 .................. .. (Section Title)
1.2 .................. .. (Section Title)
1.2.1 .................. (Title Sub-Section)
- Writing the chapter number and title in capital letters, font size 14, bold.
- Writing the number and title of the section starting from the left, starting with capital letters, font size 12, bold.
3. Numbering Pages
- The Beginning, page numbers written with lowercase roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, ...) .Posisi in the bottom center (2 cm from the bottom). Especially for the title sheet and sheet attestation, page numbers need not be typed, but still counted.
- Main Section, page numbers written with latin numbers. The first page of the first chapter is the page number one. Laying the initial page number for each chapter in the bottom of the center, while the other pages in the top right corner.
- The final section, the page number is written on the bottom middle of the roman numeral and a continuation of the numbering on the subject.
4. Title and Number Picture / Chart / Table
- Title pictures / graphs typed at the bottom middle of the picture. Title tables typed in the upper middle of the table.
- Numbering depends on the relevant chapters, eg figure 3.1 means the first image in chapter III.
5. Writing Bibliography
- Written by order of appointment of the principal reference on the scientific literature.
- Written by quotations
- Name of the foreign author is written in the format: surname, first name.
Indonesian author's name is written normally, namely: first name + surname
- Degree does not need to be mentioned.
- Each library typed single-spaced (left flat), but between one library to another library are spaced two spaces.
- If the bibliography length over one line, the second line into the right six tap.
- If there are more than three authors, only the first author written enough with additional 'et al'.
- Writing a bibliography depending on the type of information that generally has the following sequence:
Author name. Publishing year. The title essay (thick), Edition, City of Publisher: Publisher Name.
- Publish year recommended a minimum of five years.
One Author
1. Nasution, S. 2003. Naturalistic Qualitative Research. Bandung: Eagle Press.
1. Friedman. M. 2004. Capitalism and Freedom. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Two Author

1. Cohen, Morris R., and Ernest Nagel. 2005. An Introduction to Logic and Scientific
                 Method. New York: Harcourt.
1. Nasution, A. H., and Barizi. 2003. Statistical Methods. Jakarta: PT. Scholastic
Three Author

1. Sudrajat., Sukanto R., and Irawan. 2005. Statistics for Educational Research.
              New York: Armico.
1. 2. Nelson, R .., P. Schultz, and R. Slighton. 2007. Structural change in a Developing
               Economy. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

More than Three Authors
1. Barlow, R. et al. 2006. Participant Observation. D.C. .: The Brookings Institution.
2. Sukanto R. et al. 2003. Methodology Research. Yogyakarta: Andi Offset
     Same Author
Bonar Sp. 2008. Guidance Reef Composition. Yogyakarta: Armico.
____________. 2009. Introduction to Research
The Book:
Date, C.J. 2005. An Introduction to Database Systems, 6th ed. Reading Massachusetts: Addison Wesley Publishing Company Willey, Inc.
Anonymous. 2003.Sistem Government in Indonesia, first printing. Jakarta: PT. Mount Agung.
Magazines / Journals:
Cattell R.G.G. and Skeen.J. 2004. "Benchmark Operation Object". ACM Trans. Database Systems, 17, pp. 1-31.
(If there is, the name of the publisher and the city can be included in the volume and page, thick journal name).
More than three authors:
Stoica, I, et all.2005. "A Proportional Share Resource Allocation Algorithm for Real-Time, Time-Shared Systems", In Proceedings of the Real-Time Systems Symposium, IEEE Comp. Press, December, pp. 288-299.

N.L. Owsley. 2006. "sonar array processing", in Array Signal Processing, S. Haykin, Ed.,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice_Hall,, ch. 3, pp.115-193.
The Internet:
[1] Galagher, PRJr., "A guide to understanding the audit in the trusted system",,1 June 2007.
URL: http: //
1. 5. Quotation
Direct quote written and described the author's name, year and page. (Umar Bakrie, 2007; 10).
1. 7. Results Writing / Job:
- Held seminar with a summary of the already ditransparansikan
- Bound form of the book with page number at least twelve (12) pages excluding the cover, title page, table of contents, preface and bibliography
- Typed by using, among others: Word Processor, Open Office, LaTeX, etc.
- Printed with printer (recommended by LASER PRINTER)
1. 8. The provisions of Contents CD For PI submitted to the Library
2. ENDORSEMENT SHEET may file separately or may be in one file
4. 4. CHAPTER (File must be separate for each chapter. (1file for each chapter))
1. For students who have hearing, shall submit a CD, the files must be submitted in PDF (* .PDF), not a word processor file (* .DOC).
2. Composition Content Writing Files consist of:
LIST OF FIGURES or file must be separated
3. Conditions To HARD COVER.
In the back Hard Cover given / written:
- Title PI
- Name
- In Writing
- This provision please note because if they do not conform will be DENIED.
- To convert a Microsoft Word document using other auxiliary programs such as Adobe Acrobat Distiller (, CutePDF (, and others.
- For OpenOffice document, can use the built-in feature of the program in question to produce PDF documents

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