
Thursday, 19 March 2015

social communications

02. The Importance of Communication

Communication is a process or activity of delivering a message from one person to another in order to achieve certain goals. Communication is a prerequisite for human life. Human life would seem empty if there is no communication. Because without communication, interaction between people, either as individuals, groups, or organizations may not be able to happen. Two people said interaction when each action and reaction. Human action and reaction is carried out either by individuals, groups, or organizations.
As social beings, we can not escape from the act of communication to deliver and receive messages to and from other people. This communication actions continue to occur during the process of life. The process takes place in a variety of contexts both physical, psychological, and social, because the communication process does not occur in an empty space. Perpetrators of human communication process is always moving dynamic. Communication is important because the functions that can be felt by the perpetrators of such communication. Through communication someone convey what was in the minds of his mind and feelings of conscience to others either directly or indirectly. Through communication one can make him not feel alienated or isolated from the surrounding environment.
Communication functions according Onong Uchjana Effendy:
1. Inform (to inform)
Is to provide information to the public, inform the public about the events that occurred, ideas or thoughts and behavior of others, as well as everything that is presented to others.
2. Educate (to educated)
Communication is a means of education. With communication, people can submit ideas and his mind to others, so that others get information and knowledge.
3. Entertain (to entertain)
Is a useful addition to communication to convey communication, education and influence also serves to deliver entertainment or entertain others.
4. Influence (to influence)
Is a function affects every individual who communicates, of course, trying to influence each other's way of thinking communicant and furthermore seeks to change the attitudes and behavior of the communicant in accordance with what is expected.
Communication functions according to William I Gordon:
1. Social Communications
Communication function as a social communication at least hinted that the communication was important to build our self-concept, self-actualization, for survival, to happiness, to avoid stress and tension.
Social communication is important to:

The concept of self, that our view of who we own and it can only be obtained through other people's information given to us.
Existence itself. By communicating, we can show the existence of ourselves or self-actualization.
For survival, foster relationships and happiness.
2. Expressive Communication
Expressive communication can be done alone or in groups. Expressive communication can be done as far as communication is becoming an instrument to convey feelings or emotions. Expressive communication does not automatically aim to influence others. The feeling is mainly communicated through non-verbal messages.
1. Communication Ritual
Communication ritual often done collectively. Those who participated in the ritual communications reaffirm their commitment to family tradition, tribe, nation, state, ideology, or religion.
2. Communication Instrumental
Instrumental communication have some common goals, among others, inform, teach, encourage, change attitudes and beliefs and change behavior or move action and also to entertain.

CHARACTERISTICS / ORDER OF COMMUNICATIONCommunication always appear in context, ie, in a setting or situation. Theoretically, the context of communication can be divided in various ways, depending on the categories we use. For example, based on the category of the type of payload messages, communication can be divided on political communication, business communication, health communication, social communication, and so on.
Judging from the numbers, communicator or communicant can be distinguished on one person, many people (small group, large group, or organization), and mass. So based on the category the number of people involved, the communication can occur in the form of interpersonal, group, organizational, mass and intercultural. However, before going on interpersonal communication, communication occurs within a communicator, which we call the intrapersonal communication. The classification is based on this we refer to the level of communication. These are discussed below:

1. Communication INTRAPERSONAL (intrapersonal communications)
Intrapersonal communication is the communication that occurs within a communicator or commonly known as communication with oneself. For example, you ask yourself, "In this situation, what should I do?" In the intrapersonal communication, you act as a communicator and once communicant, the person to whom the message is intended communicator. Intrapersonal communication is the basis of interpersonal communication. When talking with others, you actually have completed a process berkomu-nication with yourself, "What do you want me to ask? What message would I say? How best to deliver it? "This process goes quickly, almost without realizing it again, except when you are first learning to speak or the first time in a foreign language that you are not too good at. With the completion of intrapersonal communication, where people perform acts of communication to convey his message, he entered at the level of interpersonal communication.
2. Interpersonal communication (interpersonal communications)Interpersonal communication can occur in the con-text of the communicator with a communicant (dyadic communication: two people) or a communicator with two communicants (triadic communication: three people). More than three people usually considered communications group. Interpersonal communication can take place in person or use interpersonal communication media (mass nonmedia), such as the telephone. In interpersonal communication, communicator relatively familiar with the communicant, and vice versa, the message is sent and received simultaneously and spontaneously, relatively less structured, as well as with the feedback that can be accepted immediately. At the level of interpersonal, communication takes place in a circular, the role of communicator and communicant continue interchangeable, so it is said that the position of the communicator and the communicant relatively equal. This process is commonly called a dialogue, although in certain contexts may also occur monologue, only one party that dominates the conversation. The most powerful effect of interpersonal communication between the level of communication. In interpersonal communication, communicators can influence behavior directly (conative effects) of komunikannya, utilizing verbal and nonverbal messages, and immediately alter or adjust the message when obtained negative feedback.

3. Communication Group (group communications)
If the number of communicators more than three people, tend to be considered a small group communication or commonly known as group communication only. While a large group communication commonly referred to as public communication. Total human communicators in the communications group, large or small, is not determined mathematically, but depending on the emotional bond between its members. In group communication, communicator relatively familiar with the communicant, and likewise antarkomunikan. Form of small group communication for example is a meeting, conference, and others. Small group communication inevitably involves interpersonal communication, so that interpersonal communication theory also applies here. Feedback can be accepted immediately, specify the following message delivery. However, the message is relatively more structured than interpersonal communication, both formal and informal. Communications group we often encounter in the family, neighbors, friends and relatives, or group discussion. Group communication can take place in the group and between groups.
4. Communication in Organizations
Organizational communication occurs within the organization and between organizations, formal or informal. The more formal in nature, the more structured the message. Formal communication is communication according to the organizational structure: communication upward, downward, or horizontally. While the informal communication is occurring outside the organizational structure. Therefore, organizational communication involves a group communication, interpersonal communication, intrapersonal communication, public communication and sometimes also appear in it.
5. Mass Communication
Mass communication involves a number of communicants that many, spread over a large geographical area, but got the attention and interest on the same issue. Therefore, so that messages can be received simultaneously at the same time, the use of mass media such as newspapers, magazines, radio, or television. In this communication level, communicators and communicant and relative antarkomunikan not know each other personally, anonymous, and very heterogeneous. Communicators can be organizations (eg, the editorial team, or NGOs protested against something). Messages are relatively common message, delivered simultaneously and very structured. In mass communication, feedback or are relatively no delay. Communicators tend to be difficult to know the communicant with immediate feedback. To find out, it is usually to do a survey or research. In the mass communication occurs also organizational communication, communication big or small groups, interpersonal communication, and intrapersonal communication.

6. Intercultural Communication (intercultural communication)
Intercultural communication occurs when a message (message) that must be understood is generated by members of a particular culture for the consumption of members of other cultures.
Another definition is that the process of intercultural communication and interpersonal communication interpersonal interaction is done by some people who have a different cultural background. Whatever the definition of intercultural communication stated that intercultural communication occurs when there are two different cultures and two cultures that are implementing the communication process.

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