
Tuesday, 31 March 2015

about science communication

1. In the communication process; what changed or happened to one of the elements of communication affect other communication elements. This is a hallmark of communication as a process ....A. InteractiveB. DynamicC. can not be repeatedD. can not be changed

2. One of the axioms of communication says that the message is "digital" and "analog". What is meant by a digital message is the type of message that ....A continuous and form of verbal symbolsB. sustainable form of nonverbal cuesC. is not continuous and the form of verbal symbolsD. is not continuous and the form of non-verbal instructions
3. The theory of psychology that sees humans as "Homo Ludens" (humans play) is a theory ....A. PsychoanalysisB. BehaviorismC. Cognitive PsychologyD. Humanistic Psychology

4. The theory of cognitive psychology that sees humans as beings ....A. often influenced by the environmentB. has a primitive and animal instinctC. always try to understand the environmentD. has a unique and different experience from other

5. Effect of the biological human behavior can we mark on two things, namely ....A. instinct and instinctB. instinct and biological instinctC. biological instincts and motivesD. instinct and biological perception

6. According Jalaludin Grace; our tendency to demonstrate the ability and hope others appreciate is the motive ....A. esteemB. The search for identityC. competenceD. curious

7. In Jakarta stuffy, full of hot air pollution, people will be more easily persuaded to behave rude than in the area cool and free from pollution. This suggests that a person's behavior is influenced by ....A. SocialB. atmosphere behaviorC. temporalD. ecological

8. If we have the perception that we are a positive and fun environment, then we will behave White / or fun. It shows that our behavior is influenced by ....A. atmosphere behaviorB. psychosocial environmentC. social factorsD. temporal factors

9. Man can not not communicate, all the time will be involved in the process of generating and receiving messages. That is one aspect of the communicant is called ....A. inevitabilityB. self-reflexivityC. Self referencesD. learning

10. Each symbol that someone received will be given meaning according to his own experienceso that no two people are exactly in giving the meaning of the message he gets. That is one aspect of communication that are not visible are called ....A. meaningB. LearningC. subjectivityD. interacting

11. The way in which words are combined to form sentences in aturanaturan called ....A. fondagiB. syntacticC. semanticsD. pragmatic
12. Without a word, we tell people to be quiet by sticking a finger to his lips. It was shown that nonverbal communication function ....A. repsB. substitutionC. complementD. accentuation

13. Perception is the process of giving meaning to the sensation. Perception of change ....A. The information becomes a sensationB. sensations into informationC. interpretation into informationD. interpretation womanly sensation

14. If either consciously or unconsciously we only remember certain things and forget about other things, means there is ....A. selective attentionB. selective interpretationC. selective perceptionD. selective memory

15. According Dworetzky, the use of perception, a combination of mental and internal representation of a symbol, an object or a concept called ....A. MemoryB. thinksC. berkeputusanD. selection process

16. In human life decision-making occurs in stages called information - use sequences. Here the evaluation stage after stage ...A. descriptionB. ClassificationC. actionD. perception

17. Man has always tried to create a certain impression on others by displaying specific instructions. It is by Erving Goffman called ....A. expression managementB. action managementC. impression managementD. perseption management

18. Proksemik is in the form of non-verbal instructions ....A. The instructions are based on a significant body movementB. The use of distance in delivering the messageC. procedures for the use of language in writingD. The procedure for the use of verbal language

19. At the time of perception, someone also make the process of concluding motives, purposes and characteristics of other people by looking at the behavior that appears. The process is calledA. stereotypingB. implicit personalityC. explicit personalityD. atribution

20. People who have a negative self-concept, of which is marked with ....A. reluctant to compete with othersB. feel the same or equivalent with othersC. received praise without shameD. received the award without the guilt

21. According to Mead, view ourselves about the overall views of others towards us, called ....A significant othersB. affective othersC. generalized othersD. relatively others

22. People who are stricken or sadness will feel happy when visited by friends or relatives. This suggests that interest in a person against another person is influenced by ....A common characteristic of the personalB. emotional distressC. The low self-esteemD. social isolation

23. The theory that explains that we liked and did not like the person as a resultlearning is a theory ...A. reinforcementB. equityC. exchangeD. Gain-Loss

24. Interpersonal relationships are formed with the aim of completing something that can not be done by the individual alone is a relationship ....A. dyadsB. triadC. taskD. Social

25. According to Ruben, the exploration stage in an interpersonal relationship is done after stageA. intensification.B. formalization.C. redefinition.D. initiation.


26. According to Jalaludin Grace (1994), the psychology of communication is part of the social psychology.Psychology studies because communication in the context of social interaction in achieving the goals of the group.

27. According to Jalaludin Grace, attitudes are behaviors that can stand alone. because the attitude is a tendency to behave in certain ways towards an object.

28. According to Chomsky, learning theory of behaviorism is enough to explain the phenomenon of language learning. because his opinion, is the child is able to use a language because of theinnate knowledge that has been genetically programmed into our brains.

29. In the process of perception, perceived world is not the "real world" because the world we perception is "the world that we perceive"

30. According to the model of Johari Window, if the "open-self" reduced the interpersonal relationships are of good quality. because Section "blind self" small resulting quality of interpersonal communication becomes less good.

31. Liking someone generally makes it into sifgnifikan or meaningful to us.The more because we are interested in others, the greater our tendency to communicate with it.

32. One of the functions of communication is to understand1) self2) others3) communication

33. The theory of behaviorism would be very useful to explain1) interpersonal perception2) the concept of self3) socialization

34. According to psychoanalytic theory, the birth of the question of why we should not be like this and not be so in the social reality, is a synthesis between1) Id2) ego3) super-ego

35. Judging from the period of the course, the emotions consists of1) mood2) temperament3) attitudes

36. The things that can be discussed on the social factors that affect human behavior is1) social characteristics of individuals2) social structure3) system role

37. According to Brent Ruben, aspects of communication that can not be observed in human communication among them is1) media2) meaning3) subjectivity

38. In the "iceberg of communication" stated Brent Ruben is interactants is1) the sender information2) the recipient information3) the participation of communication

39. Sensation connecting organisms with their environment. Sensation is1) the process of capturing stimuli through sensory organs2) nerve impulses that are understood by the brain3) the earliest stage in the acceptance of information

40. Memory is a process that includes1) recording2) storage3) call back

41. External factors that influence the perception of others is composed of1) verbal cues2) non-verbal instructions3) experience

42. According to Willem D. Brooks, self-concept is the perception of ourselves that is1) Physical2) social3) psychological

43. Situational factors that affect a person's interest against another person inAmong these are1) reward2) proximity3) social isolation

44. According to William Wilmot, characteristics such dyadic relationship is1) each dyadic relationship has a special purpose2) individuals in a dyadic relationship featuring "face" which is different from the "face" in other dyadic relationship3) the dyadic relationship develops common communication patterns like other dyadic relationships

45. According to Ruben, the factors that influence the formation of patterns of interpersonal communication, among which are1) openness2) power3) conflict


Example about sociology 1st half

1. Describe the development of sociology which is based on the philosophy of scienceObject of his study of philosophy of science divides into two formal objects and material objects. From both these objects appear three groups of science, namely social science, natural science and the humanities. Sociology is part of the social sciences (social science). The emergence of sociology as a science can not be separated from the development of the age and growth of human civilization. It is also common in other social sciences such as economics, psychology, history, social psychology, and so on. The development of the social sciences (including sociology) occurred since the 19th century.

2. your understanding of the definition of sociology that is based on expert opinionSociology is the science relating to social life. In other words, the study of human life in society. People often refer to as the Science Society. As the definition of some experts such as:• Ibn Chaldun: sociology is the study of human society in a variety of forms, character and traits rather than traps forms and laws controlling development.• Max Weber: sociology is a science that provides interpretations and understandings of social action• Selosoemardjan & Soelaeman Soemardi: sociology is the study of social structure and social processes, including social changes

3.Variation between sociology paradigm to paradigm and paradigm metaphysical constructsThe first time was introduced by Thomas S. Kuhn in "The Structure of Scientific Revolution" of 1962 which translates "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" in 1989. Kuhn explains the meaning of paradigm and classify them into three things: Paradigm metaphysical (metaphysical paradigm); sociological (sociological paradigm); and construct (construct paradigm).Metaphysical paradigm play function:• Referring to something that becomes the center of attention of the scientific community;• Referring to the scientific community that focuses to find something there;• Referring to scientists hoping to find something that actually existed.Sociological paradigm refers to understanding the diversity of phenomena that become scientists study results are accepted by scientists in the fieldConstruct paradigm is the most narrow concepts related to specific science

4 what is studied in the paradigm of social factsSocial facts paradigm developed by Emile Durkheim in "The Rules of Sociological Method", 1895 and "Suicide" in 1897. He criticized sociology August Comte dominated by positivismenya that sociology assessed based on the idea, not the facts on the ground. Durkheim put social facts as sociological studies should target through field studies (field research) rather than by pure reasoning. Theories in this paradigm is a structural functional theory, conflict theory, the theory of macro sociology and systems theory.Which becomes the study of social facts paradigm are: social structure and social institutions.The social structure is a network of social relations in which the interaction occurs and organized and through which the social position of individuals and subgroups distinguishedSocial institutions are the norm and value patterns

5. Giver difference between the social definition paradigm to paradigm of social behaviorThe paradigm of social definition of character is Max Weber who analyze social action (social action). Social action is the action of individuals against others that have meaning for himself and for others. The key word "meaningful action". Weber does not distinguish between structures and social institutions as both make human form meaningful action. To study it used the method of "analysis of understanding" (interpretative understanding). Theories in this paradigm is phenomenology, symbolic interactionism, ethnometodology and dramaturgyThe paradigm of the social behavior of the characters is B.F. Skinner. The object of sociology is human behavior that looks as well as the possibility of recurrence (the relationship between individuals and their environment). So the paradigm of social behavior is a stimulus mechanism of response, social action in which the actors only passive responders from the stimulus that comes to him. Theory incorporated in sociology behavioral paradigm is the concept of "reinforcement" and the proposition "reward and punishment", as well as exchange theory assuming there is always a "give and take" in the social world

intercultural communication

Intercultural communication is the communication that occurs between people who have different cultures (can be different racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic, or a combination of all these differences). Culture is a way of life that developed and adopted by a group of people and lasted from generation to generation (Tubbs, Moss: 1996).
Intercultural communication has its roots in the language (especially sociolinguistics), sociology, cultural anthropology, and psychology. Of the four disciplines, psychology becomes the main reference disciplines of cross-cultural communication, especially cross-cultural psychology. The growth of cross-cultural communication in the business world has a prominent place, especially companies - companies which are expanding to markets outside the country in fact the country - a country he was going to have a variety of cultures.
In addition, more and more people are traveling abroad with diverse interests ranging from a business trip, vacation, for further education, either temporary or for the purpose of settling selamanya.Satelit communication has brought the world become closer, we can see a variety of events that occurred in different parts of the world, either through television screens, newspapers, magazines, and online media. Through communication and information technologies, geographical distance is not an obstacle anymore us to see the various events that occur in the world.
McLuhan (in Infante, 1990: 371) states that the world today has become a "Global Village" which we know the people and events that occur in other countries is almost the same as any citizen in a small village into a neighboring state - state social lainnya.Perubahan is another influential in intercultural communication is the increasing number of celebration - a celebration of ethnic culture in a country. Cultural differences in a country creates diversity of experience, values, and ways of viewing the world. Diversity creates a pattern - the same pattern of communication among members - members who have similar backgrounds and influences communication between members - members of regional and ethnic berbeda.Perusahaan - companies that have branches abroad, of course, is a necessary condition for its employees to have a sufficient stock of knowledge about the situation and cultural conditions that will be facing (intercultural competence), wrong - wrong if they fail to communicate with the culture that it faces, the company will only survive within a period not too long. Gudykunst and Kim (2003: 17) conceptualize fenmena intercultural communication as "...

a transactional, symbolic process that includes linkages between individuals from different cultural backgrounds. "The key word is process. In the discourse of the Swedish term kulturmöte (literally cultural encounter) is often interpreted in several allusions (or disagreement) between cultures (such as, in the literature, communication styles, management styles, customs, and value orientation). However, some regular meeting analyzed without considering the character of the process. Intercultural communication should be, can be viewed and analyzed as a complex process, not just a meeting. Furthermore, cross-cultural communication, by several social scientists seen as an academic discipline - the data is said, one branch of science communication, anchored in the characteristics of ontology, epistemology and assumptions - assumptions aksilogi. At the same time, cross-cultural communication is a scope of studies related to various condition [lin other sciences (such as psychology, social psychology, sociology, education, media studies, cultural anthropology and management). For science - the science, cross-cultural communication is seen as an object of study or a problem in the field of disciplines - the science [1]. Damen [2] (1987: 23) defines communication intercultural communication as "action - communication actions undertaken by individuals - individuals who identified with the group - a group that displays the variation between groups in the form of social and cultural exchange. Exchange form, individual expression, is variable - the main variables in goals, manners, means, and meaning - the meaning of which the communicative process effect.
Intercultural communication, Lustig and Koester's stated (2003: 49-51), is a "symbolic process in which people of culture - different cultures mneciptakan exchange of meaning - meaning". This happens "when differences - cultural differences are large and important to create interpretations and hope - hope that is not the same as to how to communicate well". Jandt (2004: 4) says intercultural communication not only between individuals but also personal communication between "groups - groups with cultural identification spread '. In short, cross-cultural communication describes the interaction between individuals and groups - groups that have different perceptions in communication behavior and differences in interpretation. Several studies on intercultural communication test what happens in contact and interaction between cultures when the communication process includes people - people who are culturally dispersed (Samovar & Porter 1997). A similar problems in intercultural communication arises "when people - people who describes himself as a nation and ethnic groups equally unwilling to make the exchange of ideas - ideas on how to show their identity and do not approve of norms - norms for interaction" (Collier 1997: 43). To achieve effective intercultural communication, individuals should develop intercultural competence; refers to the skills required to achieve effective intercultural communication Jandt (1998, 2004) identified four skills as part of intercultural competence, namely the strength of personality, communication skills, psychological adjustment and cultural awareness.

There is little doubt that intercultural competence is a very important thing at this time. Newcomers while collectively referred to as sojourners or we are familiar with the term expatriates, ie a group of strangers (stranger) who live in a country that has a different cultural background to the country where they berasal.Oberg (1960) uses the term sojourners to indicate trouble - difficulties arising from the opening of an unknown environment. Difficulties experienced by sojourners are not the same. Some key variables include the distance between the culture in which they originated with the indigenous culture of the place, the type of involvement, length of exposure, and the status of immigrants in a country (cf. Bochner, 1982) Based on the results of several studies suggest that living in someone else's country does not automatically lead to the positive attitude towards the country. Evidence in research often appears that negative compared to positive during the stay in another country, at least among students (Stroeb, Lenkert, & Jonas, 1988)

Intercultural Communication Objectives are:

Understanding cultural differences affect communication practices
Communicating between people of different cultures
Identify difficulties - difficulties that arise in communication
Helping to overcome problems caused by cultural differences comunication
Improving skills in verbal and non-verbal communication
• Make us able to communicate effectively

There are several reasons why the need for cross-cultural communication, among others: a) open to expand relationships; b) increase self-awareness; c) ethics / ethical; d) promote peace and reduce conflicts; e) demographics; f) economy; g) face communication technology; and h) the era of globalization. (Alo Liliweri, 2003). Intercultural communication by Samovar and Porter is communication between people of different cultures, for example race, ethnicity, and race, or social class. Intercultural communication can be done by negotiation, exchange symbol, as supervisor of cultural behavior, to indicate the function of a group. With an understanding of intercultural communication and how communication can be done, then we can see how communication can bring peace and reduce conflict in the midst of society. With intense communication we can understand the root causes of a conflict, limit and reduce misunderstandings, communication can reduce the escalation of social conflict. According to Charles E Snare that efforts to reduce conflict and promote peace depends on how we define the situation of others so that we can achieve peace and cooperation. In many cases political E Snare said "We need to understand how the location of the reference frame of the political actors and where they come from the mind".
So clearly by studying intercultural communication means we studied (including appeal) each ethnic habits, customs, religion, geography and social class in our society. With this understanding we communicate these differences in intercultural communication, in order to resolve the conflict through dialogue both among others, with the identification of cultural perspectives.Intercultural Communication Itself

EnculturationEnculturation refers to the process by which culture is transmitted from one generation to the next. We study the culture, not inherited. Culture is transmitted through a learning process, not through genes. Parents, groups, friends, schools, religious institutions all, and government agencies are the primary teachers in the field of culture. Enculturation occur through them.
AcculturationAcculturation refers to the process whereby a person's culture is modified through direct contact or exposure to other cultures. For example, when a group of immigrants settled in the US emudian (host culture), their own culture will be affected by this host culture. Gradually, values, ways of behaving, as well as the confidence of the host culture will become part of the culture of the immigrant group. At the same time, the culture of the host changes, too
Intercultural Communication Functions
Private FunctionPrivate functions are functions komuniasi shown through communication behaviors derived from an individual.

• State Social IdentityIn the process of intercultural communication are some of the communication behavior of individualswhich is used to express social identity perlikau it expressed throughactions speak both verbally and nonverbally. Of language behavior that isknowable and social identity, for example, it is known originsethnicity, religion, and education level of a person.
• State Social IntegrationThe core concept of social integration is receiving interpersonal unity,between groups but still recognizes the differences held by eachelement. It should be understood that one of the goals of communication is to give meaningThe same for the message shared between the communicator and the communicant. In the case ofintercultural communication involving cultural differences between communicators withcommunicant, the social integration is the main goal of communication. And principlesmain in the process of intercultural communication message exchange are: Itreat you as you treat your culture and notas I want. Thus communicators and communicant canpromote social integration on their relationship.
• Adding KnowledgeOften the interpersonal and intercultural communication increase knowledgetogether, learn their culture.
• Removing Yourself or ExitSometimes we communicate with others to escape orlooking for a solution to the problem that we are facing. Communication optionsuch that we call communication function creates relationshipscomplementary and symmetrical relationships.
Complementary relationship is always done by the two parties have perlakudifferent. A person's behavior serves as a stimulus complementary behavior ofanother. In a complementary relationship, the difference between the two partiesmaximized. Instead relationships symmetrical done by two people whoreflect on the behavior of each other. The behavior of the people is reflected in thethe behavior of others.
Social Functions
• SupervisionThe first is the social function is oversight. The practice of intercultural communication between the communicator and the communicant who berbada culture of mutual monitoring function. In any process of intercultural communication this function useful to inform the "development" of the environment. This function is mostly done by the mass media routinely menyebarlusakan developmental events that happen around us even though it happened in a different cultural context.
• BridgingIn the process of intercultural communication, the communication functions performed between two people of different cultures it is a bridge over the differences between them. The bridging function can be controlled through the messages they exchanged, the two are explaining the differences of interpretation on a message so as to produce the same meaning. This function is carried out also by the various contexts of communication, including communication.
• Socialization ValueSocialization function is a function to teach and introduce the values ​​of the culture of a community to other communities.

• EntertainEntertaining functions also often appear in the process of intercultural communication. For example, watching a hula dance and "Hawaian" in a city park located in front of Zaw Honolulu, Honolulu Hawaiian. The entertainment included in the category of intercultural entertainment.

Principles of Intercultural personal communication

• (presence of cultural groups as the highest nobles))it is seen from the gap pemlihan candidate for governor whorequires of blue blood descendants.
• Language RelativityThe general idea that language influences thought and perlkau at mostvoiced by the anthropological linguistics. In the late 1920s andthroughout the 1930s, formulated that influence the characteristics of the languageour cognitive processes. And because of the languages ​​of the world are very different interms of semantic and structural characteristics, it seems reasonable to saythat people who use different languages ​​will also differ in the waythey perceive and think about the world.
• Language as Cultural MirrorLanguage reflects culture. The greater the cultural differences, the differencesboth language and communication in nonverbal cues. The greaterdifferences between cultures (and, hence, the greater the difference in communication), thedilakukan.Kesulitan difficult communication can lead to, for example, moremany communication errors, more mistakes sentences, greaterpossibility of misunderstanding, the more wrong perception, and the more piecescompass (bypassing).
• Reduce UncertaintyThe greater the differences between cultures, the greater the uncertainty dam ambiguityin communication. Many of communication we try to reduce uncertaintythis so that we can better decipher, predict, and explainbehavior of others. Because letidak-pasrtian and this greater ambiguity,required more time and effort to reduce uncertainty and tocommunicate more meaningful.
• Self-Awareness and Intercultural Differences [5]The greater the differences between cultures, greater self-awareness (mindfulness) theparticipants during communication. It has positive and negative consequences.Positive, self-awareness is perhaps makes us more alert. This preventswe say things that may seem insensitive or inappropriate.Downside, it makes us overly cautious, not spontaneous, and lessself confidence.
• Early Interaction and Intercultural DifferencesDifferences between cultures is especially important in the initial interaction and graduallyreduced level of importance when the relationship becomes more intimate. Even Thoughwe always face the possibility of misunderstandings and wrong to judge others,This possibility is especially great in situations of intercultural communication.

• Maximizing Results InteractionIn intercultural communication - as in all communication - we are tryingmaximizing the results of the interaction. Three consequences are discussed by Sunnafrank(1989) suggests important implications for intercultural communication. As Aexample, people will berintraksi with other people who they thought wouldgive positive results. Because of intercultural communication was difficult, you mayavoid it. Thus, for example, you would choose to talk with colleaguesclass that much resemblance to you than people who are very different.Secondly, if we get a positive result, we continue to engage andimprove our communication. When we obtain a negative result, we beginwithdraw and reduce communication.Third, we mebuat predictions about where we are going to produce behaviorpositive results. in communication, you try to predict the outcome of, for example,choice of topics, posisisi you take, you show nonverbal behavior,and so on. [5] you then do what you think will givepositive results and trying not conducting what do you think will givenegative results.
List of ReferencesStewart L. Tubbs and Sylvia Moss. Human Communication: Communication contexts. 1996. Bandung. Teens Rosdakarya. P. 236-238Andric Purwasito. Multicultural Communication. 2003. Surakarta. Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. P. 123Fred E. Jandt. Intercultural Communication, An Introduction. 1998. London. Sage Publication. P. 36Alo Liliweri. Basics of Intercultural Communication. 2003. Yogyakarta. Student Library. P. 11-12,36-42Joseph A. DeVito. Human communication. Basic Courses. Jakarta. Professional Books. P. 479-488

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Analysis of information systems

 Analysis of information systems

Information can be likened to blood flow in the human body, as well as information in a company that is very important to support the ongoing development, so there is a reason that the information is necessary for a company. Result if the lack of information, within a specified time the company will experience an inability to control the resources, so that in taking strategic decisions very disturbed, which will ultimately defeat the competitors compete with the environment.

In addition, the system information held often can not work well. The main problem is that the information system too much information that is not useful or meaningful (system too much data). Understanding the basic concepts of information is very important (vital) in designing an effective information system (effective business system). Setting up a step or method of providing quality information is the goal in designing the new system.

Basic Concepts of Information There are several definitions, among others:

  1. Data is processed into a form that is more useful and more meaningful for those who receive it.
  2. Sesuatu real or semi-real which can reduce the degree of uncertainty about a situation or event. For example, information that states that the value of the rupiah will rise, so will reduce the uncertainty about whether an investment will be made.
  3. Data organized to help choose some current or future action or nonaction to fullfill company goals (the choice is called business decision making). Cycle Information To obtain useful information for the recipient, it is necessary to explain how the cycles that occur or are needed to produce information.
                      First of all data is entered into the model, which generally have a specific process sequence and certainly, after processing will produce certain information useful to the recipient (management level) as the basis for making a decision or take a particular action, of the decision or action will generate or acquired certain events that will be reused as the data that will be incorporated into the model (process), and so on. Thus it would form a cycle information (information cycle) or cycle data processing (data processing cycles), as shown below:

Information quality (quality of information) is influenced or determined by several things, namely:
1.Relevan (relevancy) means the information should provide benefits to the wearer. The relevance of the information for each person different from one another. For example, information on the causes of damage to the machine production company accountant is less relevant and would be more relevant when addressed to expert engineering company * How is the message used for problem solving (decision masking)?
2.Akurat (accuracy) Information should be free from mistakes and not biased or misleading, and should clearly reflect the intent. Inaccuracies can occur due to resources (data) impaired or deliberate so that damage or alter the original data. Accurate components: - Completeness; Are Necessary items present message? Means information generated or required should have a good completeness, because if the information generated partial course will affect the decisions or determine the action as a whole, so that will affect the ability to control or solve a problem with either. - Correctness; Items are correct message? - Security; Did the message reach all or only the intended systems users?3.Tepat time (timeliness) information generated or required should not be too late (obsolete). The information has not worn a good value, so if used as a basis for decision making will be fatal or errors in judgment and action. These conditions led to the high value of the information, so the speed to obtain, process and send it requires new technologies.4.Ekonomis (Economy) * What level of resources is needed to move information through the problem-solving cycle?5.Efisien (Efficiency) * What level of resources is required for the call now units of information output?6.Dapat believed (Reliability) Processing time or time data is used to describe changes in the form of data into information that has keguanaan (data processing is the term used to describe changes performed on the data to produce purposeful information).

Operations performed in the data processing:1. Data input• Recording transaction data to a data processing medium (eg, punching a number into the calculator).• Coding transaction data into another form (eg, female genital converting attributes to the letter F). • Storing the data or information for decision-making (potential information for future).

2. Data transformation• Calculating, arithmetic operations on the data field.
• summarizing, the process of accumulation of some data (for example, add the number of hours worked each day of the week becomes the value of the total working hours per week).• Classifying data is group-specific group: - categorizing the data into groups based on certain karakteristrik (eg, grouping data based on the semester students active). - Sorting the data into a form that is sequential (eg, sorting in ascending employee identification numbers). - Merging of two or more sets of data based on specific criteria (combining sales data for January, February and March into the group quarterly). - Matching the data based on the user wishes to group the data (for example, select all employees whose total income is more than 15 million per year).3. Information output• Displaying result, the necessary information the user through a monitor or printed.
• reproducing, storing the data used for other users need.
• Telecommunicating, storage of electronic data through the communication channel.
Main Processes and Functions Image Data Processing Information System Can be defined as
a. A system created by humans which consists of components within the organization to achieve a goal of presenting information.
b. A set of organizational procedures when implemented will provide information for decision makers and / or to control the organization.c. A system in an organization that brings transaction processing needs, support the operation, managerial and strategic activities of an organization and provide certain outside parties with the necessary reports.

Benefits Information System

 a. Organizations use information systems to process transactions, reduce costs and generate revenue as one of their products or services.
b. Banks use information systems to process checks from customers and create various reports and checking account transactions.c. The company uses information systems to maintain inventory at the lowest level to be consistent with the type of goods available.
Component Information Systema. It consists of computer hardware, peripherals (printers) and networking.b.Software is a collection of command / function written with certain rules to instruct the computer perform certain tasks. Software can be classified into the Operating System (Windows 95 and NT), applications (Accounting), Utilities (Anti Virus, Speed ​​Disk), and English (3 GL and 4 GL).c. Data is a basic component of information to be processed further to produce information.d. Procedure procedure / process systems, operational handbook (application) and technical.e. Humans Involved in the human component as the operator, the leader of information systems and so on.Therefore, it needs a clear job description. Systems Analysis Phase In this phase:
• Do the process of assessment, identification and evaluation of components and reciprocal relationships involved in the development of the system; definition of the problem, objectives, needs, priorities and constraints of the system; plus the identification of costs, benefits and schedule estimates for potential solutions.
• Phase analysis of the system is the professional phase of the system perform system analysis activities.
• The resulting report provides a basis for forming a project team and start the system of systems analysis phase.
• The project team system gain a clearer understanding of the reasons for developing a new system. • The scope of the analysis of the system is determined in this phase. Professionals interviewed prospective users of the system and work with the user in question to seek settlement of the problem and determine the needs of users.
• Some aspects of the system that is being developed may not fully known at this stage, so the critical assumptions were made to allow for the continuation of the system development life cycle.• At the end of the phase of system analysis, system analysis report prepared. This report contains findings and recommendations. If this report is approved, the project team is ready to start the system design phase of the system in general. If the report is not approved, the project team must run additional analysis system until all participants agree.
Business Process Analysis Business Process Model to the scheme of business process models developed for analyzing business processes. Business Process Model Business Process Model developed this then is developed with the conceptual data model and physical data modeling at the level of design and subsequent implementation.