
Thursday, 12 March 2015


Philosophy is to think of something we have not experienced / know. The task of the philosopher is to overcome specialization and formulate a way of life which is based on extensive human experience. Thinking of philosophy have characteristics that cause turmoil.
Philosophy is derived from Greek philosophy consisting of philo (love / love) and sophia (wisdom) which means the wise / love of wisdom.
Philosophy is a set of attitudes and beliefs towards life and nature that normally accepted uncritically (accept life as it is)
Philosophy is a critical process / thinking of the beliefs and attitudes are very upheld (the critical attitudes espoused). Evaluation criticism often different:

1 they see things in terms of the different
2. they are living in a changing world
3. As they hold a field of human experience where the evidence is not quite perfect means research can not answer anything that happens.
Philosophy is an attempt to get a picture of perfection, philosophy seeks to combine the results of various science and human experience so that it becomes consistent view of nature.
Philosophy is a logical analysis of language as well as an explanation of the meaning of words and concepts. So in this regard philosophy as a special field that refers to the science and helps explain the language and instead of a broad field that is thought of all the experience of life (make sense based on what we encounter on the subject).
Philosophy is a set of problems-problems that immediately got the attention of a man and be answered by philosophers. Philosophy encourages research to the problems of the most profound of human existence. Problems principal dipertayakan mislanya: "What is life and why I'm here? M engapa something? What position in the life of this great nature? Whether friendly or hostile nature? What happens it happens by chance or as a mechanism or because there is no plan or intention or thought of the mind? Is it life is controlled wholly or skillful? Why Man struggling and trying to get the rights, justice, improvement in the future? what does the concept of rights and obligations and whether the characteristics of a good society? ".


1. The nature thorough

These properties make the person feel satisfied longer know the science just from the standpoint of science itself. He wants to see the nature of science in the constellation of other knowledge, curious connection with the science of morals, science connection with religion, want to be sure whether the science will bring happiness to himself.

2. The fundamental nature

This trait makes one think that he is no longer to believe that science is true. He would ask, why science is called right? What criteria themselves properly? Then right itself was what? Such as a circle and the question was circular. And along a circle, we must start from one point, the beginning and also at the same end.


In the nature of this thinking, what is important is that in the process, both in the analysis and proof, we must be able to distinguish which one can rely on speculation and what is not. And the main task of philosophy is to establish the foundations of a reliable. What is logical? What is correct? What is valid? Is this nature on a regular or chaotic? Is this life has purpose or absurd? Are there any laws that govern nature and all life sarwa?

The basic method in the study of philosophy is dialectics. Dialectics is the development of the mind to bring together the ideas, dialectical thinking means trying to develop a way, the argument which the implications of various known and expected position to one another.


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