Logic. Is a systematic assessment of the rules to use because it is true. The regulations distinguish another argument of the argument that is not good.
Metaphysics. Talking about the actual dispositions of objects / reality which is directly behind the experience.
Epistemology, in general, is the branch of philosophy that studies the sources, the nature and truth of knowledge.
Ethics. Discuss issues of mobility, in ethics there are three broad field that is descriptive ethics, normative and metaphysics.
To explore the possibility of the existence of solutions to problems-problems of philosophy. If the solution that has been identified and investigated it will be easy to get the problem-solving to be forwarded to consider these replies.
Philosophy is a part of the beliefs that form the basis of our actions. Philosophical ideas shaping our experiences at the present time.
Philosophy ability to expand the areas of our consciousness so that we can be alive, be able to distinguish, more critical and more clever.
Born in Stageira northern Greece in 384 BC. Aristotle considered as constituting a systematic philosophy. According to the philosophy grouped into 8 sections:
1. Logic 5. Metaphysics
2. Natural Philosophy 6. Ethics
3. Psychology 7. Politics & Economics
4. Biology 8. Rhetoric
Famous opinion of Aristotle, in association with Theory of Motion and the cause of something. According to Aristotle, the motion takes place between two opposites between hot and cold. There is something that is used to cool and then into heat. There are three factors in each of the changes:
State / trait previous cold
State / hot new feature
The existence of a sub-stratum / fixed base that is water
The analysis covered this movement there actress and potential. Motion according to Aristotle, is the transition from actress to the potential, something that potential into actual. In his view about the causes of each incident, either by natural phenomena or human-caused events, Aristotle called it there are 4 causes:
Cause efficiently. That is the source of events / factors which run events.
Cause final. That goal to which the whole incident
The cause of the material. Namely material which made objects.
Formal cause. Ie forms that make up the material.
School of philosophy
Sect is the bow / flow. There is also the associate class thinkers agree in theory, doctrine, certain flow field of science, art branch, etc., and seeks to promote it. Schools that emerged in medieval philosophy after:
1. Rationalism
Began to emerge in the 17th century rationalism found a source of knowledge that can be sufficient and trustworthy is the ratio / reasonable. Experience is only used to confirm the knowledge that has been gained by reason and the real reason does not require experience. The method used is the deductive method is a method, which is an offer to the conclusion of a general nature sutu truth to set the special things. Rationalism famous figures Decartes Rene (1596-1650). Famous statement "Cogito ero sum!" Which means I berpikr then I'm there.
2. Empiricism
Appeared in the 17th century and is the opposite of rationalism, found empiri / experience that is the source of knowledge, both physically and mentally experience. The method used is the inductive method, which is a reasoning that the conclusion of a truth that is specific to be applied to matters of a general nature.
The first people who follow this school is Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). According to Thomas Hobbes philosophy is a science of a general nature. Because philosophy is the science of the effects / consequences / sightings as we get to rationalize the original knowledge we have of the causes or minds. Target philosophy is observed facts in order to find the causes, while the equipment used is the notions expressed in the words that describe these facts.
Meanwhile John Locke (1632-1704) tried to write the empirical tradition to explain the problems of recognition / knowledge. According to the knowledge gained from experience and reason are passive when the knowledge gained. The ratio of the original humans should be considered as a new blank white paper filled through experience. There are two experiences, the outward and inward experience. Both kinds of experiences are interrelated. Outward experience produces psychological symptoms that must be addressed by the inner experience. Thus, knowing is identical to know consciously.
3. Idealism
The word is used in philosophical idealism used by Leibniz in the early 18th century idealism found the whole reality is spiritual / psychic and physical material that does not exist. He tried to bridge the conflict between rationalism and empiricism. Leibniz bases his philosophy based on the substance, that is something else does not seem to be there. According to him, there are a lot of substance, so much so that countless. Each substance called monade who is single and can not be divided. Monade can not be produced naturally and can not be interpreted, solely because of the presence of creation and lasts as long as God wills.
4. Positivism
Developed in the 19th century, positivism holds that philosophical thinking stems from what has been specified, the factual, positive that something that is metaphysical rejected. Knowledge should not be passed through the facts, thus empirical science as an example in the field of knowledge. But there is a difference with empiricism, positivism is only limited to the objective experience that looks, but empiricism receive inner experiences / experiences subjectively.
Famous figures in positivism is August Comte. According to Comte development of human thought, human well as individuals and as a whole human being includes three periods:
1. Age theological
At this time humans believe that behind the phenomena of nature are Supernatural powers that regulate the functions and movements of these.
2. Age metaphysical
Supernatural powers replaced with the concepts and principles are abstract.
3. Positive Period
At this time people do not look for the causes that are behind the facts. By using the ratio of man trying to establish relations of equality / sequence contained between facts. In this age of science began to be produced in the true sense.
Pragmatic. Appeared
in the 19th century and was initiated by Charles S. Peirce (1939-1914). Pragmatism
argues that the truth of a statement is measured by the criteria of whether the
statement is functional in practical life. That
is, a statement is true, if the statement or the consequences of that statement
has practical utility in human life. Pragmatic
criteria are also used in determining the scientific truth from the perspective
of time.
Fenomonolgi. Coined by Edmund Husserl an filasafat of Germany in the 20th century. Argued that the experts filasafat should attempt to explain and analyze the phenomena that occur, in addition to arranging and consider whether it is objective or subjective phenomenon. This theory emphasizes the meticulous observation and interpretation of real perception of a thing. First, we must follow the phenomenon consciously, make observations based on our perception with very carefully and apply them in our daily lives. Second, we must reflect into observation and interpret without prior prejudice.
Existence. Appeared in the 20th century triggered by Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) and Jean-Paul Sartre, (1905-1980). Argue that it is an atrocity to put human nature is unique and individually under the tyranny of general knowledge. Science as knowledge that helps humans in solving the practical problems of everyday life, it is not necessary to have such absolute faith that serves to provide guidance on the most essential things in life.
Fenomonolgi. Coined by Edmund Husserl an filasafat of Germany in the 20th century. Argued that the experts filasafat should attempt to explain and analyze the phenomena that occur, in addition to arranging and consider whether it is objective or subjective phenomenon. This theory emphasizes the meticulous observation and interpretation of real perception of a thing. First, we must follow the phenomenon consciously, make observations based on our perception with very carefully and apply them in our daily lives. Second, we must reflect into observation and interpret without prior prejudice.
Existence. Appeared in the 20th century triggered by Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) and Jean-Paul Sartre, (1905-1980). Argue that it is an atrocity to put human nature is unique and individually under the tyranny of general knowledge. Science as knowledge that helps humans in solving the practical problems of everyday life, it is not necessary to have such absolute faith that serves to provide guidance on the most essential things in life.
COMMUNICATIONCommunication can be referred to as a science because it has met the following requirements:
Has a particular objectScience is a form of knowledge studying an object. Objects in science must be distinguished between material objects, ie what is seen and formal object, the angle of view in the sense of the angle which the object was seen. And formal object is the thing that determines the knowledge that one with the other sciences. Two or more equal knowledge of material objects, but the science is different from each other thanks to its formal object.Formal object of communication science is a human behavior, including the behavior of individuals, groups and communities. Formal object situation that leads to social change, including changes in behavior, feelings, attitudes and behavior of individuals, groups, communities, etc.1. Characteristically systematicSystematic means according to a particular system. The system is defined as a collection of things that are incorporated into a consistent whole as interrelated. In its formal, knowledge expressed in a definition.
2. Generally AcceptedCommunication in various countries, including Indonesia has studied, researched, practiced and developed, because basically communication is indispensable for the benefit of mankind and society
3. Having a specific methodAs with other social sciences, kosmi using research methods to develop their knowledge, and there were specific to developing science communication.
Science communication in science groups including the social sciences such as economics, psychology and applied sciences category. Communication environment in line with the development of communication science covers all aspects of human life in all its complexity, the more extensive discussion of communication and more dimensions. For that, if we look at communication in context, communication consists of:1. Field CommunicationField in question is the field of human life among other areas of life one with a distinctive difference. Distinctiveness is what distinguishes the communication process. Based on shared communication field:
Social Communications
Communication of social organization
Business Communication
Communication politil
International communication
Intercultural communication
Communication development
Traditional communication
2. The nature of communicationJudging from the nature of communication clarified as follows:
a. Verbal communication (oral and written)
b. Nirvebal communication (communication kiyal / gestural, drawing, gesture)
c. Face to face communication
d. Mediated communication
3. Order of communicationOrder intended communication is the communication process in terms of the number of communicants. Based on the communication situation as it then clarified communication into the following forms:
a. Personal communication (intrapersonal and interpersonal)
b. Communications group (small group communication, such as: lectures, symposia, panel discussions, seminars, etc; Communication large groups).
c. Mass communication (print mass communication, such as newspapers, books, magazines, etc; Communication electronic mass media)
d. Medio communication (letter, telephone, pamphlets, etc.)
4. The purpose of communication
a. Changing attitudes
b. Changing opinions
c. Changing behavior
d. Changing society
5. Functions of communication
a. Inform
b. Educate
c. Entertain
d. Affect
6. Communication EngineeringWhat is meant teknih is done communicator communication skills, this technique clarified be:
a. Communication informative
b. Persuasive Communication
c. Communication coercive
d. Communication instructive
e. Human relationships
7. The method of communicationDefined as an organized communication activities, among others:
a. Journalism (Print, TV, Radio)
b. PR
c. Advertising
d. Propaganda
e. Psychological warfare
f. Library, etc.
Defined as a discipline that examines the understanding (persthahen) fundamentally, methodological, systematic, analytical, critically and holistically. Theory and communication processes all dimensions according to its field, its nature, its order, its function, the technique and methods.
STUDY ontological, epistemological AND COMMUNICATION axiology1. Ontological StudyIs the assessment of knowledge about the nature of the reality of the object studied in producing the knowledge (what).2. The study of epistemologicalIs discussing how to get knowledge in scientific activity is also called the scientific method (how).3. Study of AxiologyIs the theory of the value associated with the utility obtained (for what).
Linkages Philosophy of Science, Research methods in Building Communication TheoryThe research method is the operationalization of epistemology towards the implementation of the research. The research method is also an understanding of how / theory find / compile knowledge of ideas, materials or both assign it to the use of reason, intuition, empirical phenomena / the scientific method. The scientific method leads to the development of science.Work PrisnsipSyllogistic logic of an argument consisting of a major premise, minor and conclusionInductive lawIf a number of phenomena or units phenomenon widely observed in the variation condition indicates elements, characteristics, properties, then all fenimena including those not observed to have elements, characteristics and properties
Naturalistic researchA process that is shown to reveal hidden information and to clarify.
1. PERPSEKTIF POLITICSA political system usually has a set of values and procedures covert and overt in its ideology, which is seen as something that is important to the health and growth of the government. The assumption that the communication should membnetuk embodiment of this value and that the techniques and tactics that impede communication, subvert or circumvent the fundamental political values should be condemned as unethical.Four virtues: Habits meneiliti, we must cultivate the habit of being fair, Accustomed to prioritize common motivation than personal motivation, habits respect dissent.
2. NATURE OF HUMAN PERSPECTIVECentered on the essence of human nature. Unique characteristics of human nature which distinguishes man from animals that make humans is essentially human. The assumption that human nature must be developed to enhance the ability of individual fulfillment
3. PERSPECTIVE DIALOGICALDialogical perspective for evaluating the ethics of communication focuses on attitudes towards each other which is held by participants in the communication transaction. The assumption that some attitudes (dialogic characteristics) fully human, humane and facilitative for self-fulfillment, of other attitudes (characteristic monologue). Dialogical attitude held unyuk maintain and actualize every capacity and potential of individuals, regardless of the capacity and potential.Dialogic characteristics: keontentikan, Participation, confirmation, presence, spirit equation, the atmosphere in support.
4. SITUATIONAL PERSPECTIVESituational perspective with fixed and mainly focused on the elements of the communication situation faced. Assessment of communication ethics from this perspective are: The role and functions of the communicator to the audience, the audience understand the kologisan Standards and feasibility, degree of public awareness about the ways communicator, level of urgency to implement the proposed communicator, objective and value audience, Star \ ndar audiences u / ethical communication.
5. RELIGIOUS PERSPECTIVESStatement underlying religious perspective on persuasion and communication developed by Charles Veenstra and Daryl Vander Kooi. Because humans are created in the image of God, endowed meraka uniquely human capacity to assess the ethical, the They honor God through worship and the quality of relationships with others, and they have the ability to think and communicate creative that does not possess another creature.
6. PERSPECTIVE utilitarianEmphasizes on usability criteria, pleasure and excitement in assessing the ethics of communication. His formulation is that everyone should bebrbuat much kindness or the person should benefit the greatest number of people.
7. LEGAL PERSPECTIVEJust measure the communication based on the laws and rules that apply u / determine keetisan a way.
Has a particular objectScience is a form of knowledge studying an object. Objects in science must be distinguished between material objects, ie what is seen and formal object, the angle of view in the sense of the angle which the object was seen. And formal object is the thing that determines the knowledge that one with the other sciences. Two or more equal knowledge of material objects, but the science is different from each other thanks to its formal object.Formal object of communication science is a human behavior, including the behavior of individuals, groups and communities. Formal object situation that leads to social change, including changes in behavior, feelings, attitudes and behavior of individuals, groups, communities, etc.1. Characteristically systematicSystematic means according to a particular system. The system is defined as a collection of things that are incorporated into a consistent whole as interrelated. In its formal, knowledge expressed in a definition.
2. Generally AcceptedCommunication in various countries, including Indonesia has studied, researched, practiced and developed, because basically communication is indispensable for the benefit of mankind and society
3. Having a specific methodAs with other social sciences, kosmi using research methods to develop their knowledge, and there were specific to developing science communication.
Science communication in science groups including the social sciences such as economics, psychology and applied sciences category. Communication environment in line with the development of communication science covers all aspects of human life in all its complexity, the more extensive discussion of communication and more dimensions. For that, if we look at communication in context, communication consists of:1. Field CommunicationField in question is the field of human life among other areas of life one with a distinctive difference. Distinctiveness is what distinguishes the communication process. Based on shared communication field:
Social Communications
Communication of social organization
Business Communication
Communication politil
International communication
Intercultural communication
Communication development
Traditional communication
2. The nature of communicationJudging from the nature of communication clarified as follows:
a. Verbal communication (oral and written)
b. Nirvebal communication (communication kiyal / gestural, drawing, gesture)
c. Face to face communication
d. Mediated communication
3. Order of communicationOrder intended communication is the communication process in terms of the number of communicants. Based on the communication situation as it then clarified communication into the following forms:
a. Personal communication (intrapersonal and interpersonal)
b. Communications group (small group communication, such as: lectures, symposia, panel discussions, seminars, etc; Communication large groups).
c. Mass communication (print mass communication, such as newspapers, books, magazines, etc; Communication electronic mass media)
d. Medio communication (letter, telephone, pamphlets, etc.)
4. The purpose of communication
a. Changing attitudes
b. Changing opinions
c. Changing behavior
d. Changing society
5. Functions of communication
a. Inform
b. Educate
c. Entertain
d. Affect
6. Communication EngineeringWhat is meant teknih is done communicator communication skills, this technique clarified be:
a. Communication informative
b. Persuasive Communication
c. Communication coercive
d. Communication instructive
e. Human relationships
7. The method of communicationDefined as an organized communication activities, among others:
a. Journalism (Print, TV, Radio)
b. PR
c. Advertising
d. Propaganda
e. Psychological warfare
f. Library, etc.
Defined as a discipline that examines the understanding (persthahen) fundamentally, methodological, systematic, analytical, critically and holistically. Theory and communication processes all dimensions according to its field, its nature, its order, its function, the technique and methods.
STUDY ontological, epistemological AND COMMUNICATION axiology1. Ontological StudyIs the assessment of knowledge about the nature of the reality of the object studied in producing the knowledge (what).2. The study of epistemologicalIs discussing how to get knowledge in scientific activity is also called the scientific method (how).3. Study of AxiologyIs the theory of the value associated with the utility obtained (for what).
Linkages Philosophy of Science, Research methods in Building Communication TheoryThe research method is the operationalization of epistemology towards the implementation of the research. The research method is also an understanding of how / theory find / compile knowledge of ideas, materials or both assign it to the use of reason, intuition, empirical phenomena / the scientific method. The scientific method leads to the development of science.Work PrisnsipSyllogistic logic of an argument consisting of a major premise, minor and conclusionInductive lawIf a number of phenomena or units phenomenon widely observed in the variation condition indicates elements, characteristics, properties, then all fenimena including those not observed to have elements, characteristics and properties
Naturalistic researchA process that is shown to reveal hidden information and to clarify.
1. PERPSEKTIF POLITICSA political system usually has a set of values and procedures covert and overt in its ideology, which is seen as something that is important to the health and growth of the government. The assumption that the communication should membnetuk embodiment of this value and that the techniques and tactics that impede communication, subvert or circumvent the fundamental political values should be condemned as unethical.Four virtues: Habits meneiliti, we must cultivate the habit of being fair, Accustomed to prioritize common motivation than personal motivation, habits respect dissent.
2. NATURE OF HUMAN PERSPECTIVECentered on the essence of human nature. Unique characteristics of human nature which distinguishes man from animals that make humans is essentially human. The assumption that human nature must be developed to enhance the ability of individual fulfillment
3. PERSPECTIVE DIALOGICALDialogical perspective for evaluating the ethics of communication focuses on attitudes towards each other which is held by participants in the communication transaction. The assumption that some attitudes (dialogic characteristics) fully human, humane and facilitative for self-fulfillment, of other attitudes (characteristic monologue). Dialogical attitude held unyuk maintain and actualize every capacity and potential of individuals, regardless of the capacity and potential.Dialogic characteristics: keontentikan, Participation, confirmation, presence, spirit equation, the atmosphere in support.
4. SITUATIONAL PERSPECTIVESituational perspective with fixed and mainly focused on the elements of the communication situation faced. Assessment of communication ethics from this perspective are: The role and functions of the communicator to the audience, the audience understand the kologisan Standards and feasibility, degree of public awareness about the ways communicator, level of urgency to implement the proposed communicator, objective and value audience, Star \ ndar audiences u / ethical communication.
5. RELIGIOUS PERSPECTIVESStatement underlying religious perspective on persuasion and communication developed by Charles Veenstra and Daryl Vander Kooi. Because humans are created in the image of God, endowed meraka uniquely human capacity to assess the ethical, the They honor God through worship and the quality of relationships with others, and they have the ability to think and communicate creative that does not possess another creature.
6. PERSPECTIVE utilitarianEmphasizes on usability criteria, pleasure and excitement in assessing the ethics of communication. His formulation is that everyone should bebrbuat much kindness or the person should benefit the greatest number of people.
7. LEGAL PERSPECTIVEJust measure the communication based on the laws and rules that apply u / determine keetisan a way.
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