
Monday, 9 March 2015


Definition Logic - Etymologically, the logic is a term that is formed from the word logikos derived from the noun logos. The word logos, meaning something that is expressed, a reasoning (the mind), said, conversation, or expression through language. Logikos word, means to know the word, about the conversation or with respect to expression through language. Thus, it can be dikatan that logic is a reasoning or thought that diutrakan through words and expressed in language

Logic is the science knowledge and skills to think straight. Tt, (1999: 71)
Logic is suatau reasoning or thought that is set through words and expressed in language. January Hendrik Rapar, (1996: 5)
Logic is the science and reasoning skills, thinking with tepat.W. Poespoprodjo, Ek. T. Gilarso. (2006: 13)
Logic is a method or technique created to examine the accuracy of nenalar. Soekadijo, (1983-1994: 3)

A. The logic of the Map of Science
Aristotle (384-322 BC) divides knowledge into three classes or three groups as follows
1. Speculative Philosophy or Philosophy Teorites, which is objective and aim of knowledge for the sake of knowledge itself. This group consists of top physics, metafisila, biopsychology, and theology.
2. Philosophy Praktika, whose members guide for human behavior. This group consists of ethics and politics.
3. Productive philosophy, which lead men into productive through special skills. This group consists of the top literary criticism, retrotika, and aesthetics.
B. Traditional Logic and Modern Logic
Modern logic or symbolic logic, Because using the signs or symbols of mathematics, was only able to discuss the relationship between the signs, but the reality may not be captured fully and rigorously by mathematical symbols.
Logic tradisoinal discuss and question the definitions, concepts, and terms according to the structure, composition and nuance, as well as the intricacies of reasoning to obtain a deeper truth corresponds to reality
  C. Uses Logic
There are four uses of logic:
1. Helping everyone who studied logic to think rationally, critically, straight, precise, orderly, methodical, and coherent.
2. Increase the ability to think abstractly, carefully, and objective.
3. Adding kecerdasa and improve thinking skills sharp and independent.
4. Increase the courage and love will avoid confusion error.

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